Saturday, April 17, 2010

Where can I find information on Pass / Fail Statistics?

I work at a company that grades our representatives' calls. We have set the standard for passing at 95%. All calls graded below that are failing. I have found that on my team we have an average of 70% of all calls passing. This has been consistent for the last 6 months.

I am curious now to know what statistics there are on pass / fail ratios and in what environments.

Can someone direct me to education or statistics websites that that give me data about a pass / fail ratio? I would like to know how my findings compare to pass / fail statistics in education circles.

Where can I find information on Pass / Fail Statistics?
Since there are literally hundreds of schools and widely different opinions on this subject, you could spend years on it. My experience in academic evaluation has shown me that evaluation can be useful but more often than not the people doing it are not very honest.

You can prove that I am a wilder beast if you wish by using pass/fail statistics. So, I will not give you one site since I have not found one that I would trust. I am sure there are excellent evaluators out there, and I know some but again the sites are controlled by universities or companies more interested in

protecting their reputations and jobs than in helping anyone.

Sorry if this sounds cynical but that is the reality of it IMHO.

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