Saturday, April 17, 2010

How does ttm and mrq items get calculated in Key Statistics? How often does it update?

Background knowledge:

TTM = trailing twelve months

Questions: Is that an average for the past 12 months? But statistics comes out once every quarter. How would you know what it is in the middle of a quarter?

MRQ = most recent quarter

Questions: Let's take Total Cash for example. Is that a total cash that the company owns as of the last quarter? Or is that the total cash generated from the last quarter alone?

How does ttm and mrq items get calculated in Key Statistics? How often does it update?
TTM is usually the sum of the last 12 months (the last 4 quarters of financial data). MRQ will only be the lastest data reported. In the cash example you gave, if its a balence sheet item like cash, it will be the total cash at that point in time that the company has.

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