Monday, April 26, 2010

Does somebody know of any abortion or poverty statistics to argue in favor of the pro-choice opinion?

I have to do a persuasive speech on abortion and most of what I'm seeing is pro-life statistics. Anything credible that could make a compelling arguement in favor of pro-choice would be highly appreciatied. Facts with emotional appeal would also work, like relating illegality of abortion to poverty, overpopulation, or neglect.

Does somebody know of any abortion or poverty statistics to argue in favor of the pro-choice opinion?
Sorry I don't have sources, but one thing you'd want to find would be the deaths and other damage due to illegal abortions, before Roe v Wade. They are both relevant and compelling.

Also, civilized societies have way fewer abortions than we do, since they don't hate and fear sexuality, but are rational about teaching methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy, and making contraception available. So look for international stats on number of abortions per thousand women.

The heart of the argument for legalized abortion isn't statistical in nature. It's based on the idea that I am the owner of my body, not the government, and that individuals have the right to make their own life-decisions for themselves.

The "Give the Zygote the Vote" crowd (a minority of Americans, BTW) feel that they have the right to make other people's personal decisions for them.
Reply:...I don't think he was asking for personal opinions on the matter, particularly for the other side. So...not very helpful, guys.

I don't know how helpful this will be, but I did find this site with a lot of statistics about abortion and reasons for doing so and such:
Reply:The problem with abortion is it is used to fix problems that arise out of behavior problems. People who behave irresponsibly sexually get pregnant and then want to get rid of the problem. Read this question and see what is wrong with this situation. This to me is why abortion needs to be banned. People who are not mature enough to have children should not be having sex. This is a big problem in society.;...

This may not help you, but at least I can offer the counterargument.
Reply:Abortion is murder and there is no excuse for it. There are always people willing to adopt children from those unable or unwilling to face their responsibilities.
Reply:I don't mean to be rude (forgive me if I offend you), but the reason why you don't find any "facts" or "statistics" in favour of abortion is very simple: there aren't any. All the statistics show abortion to be the horrible crime that it is. It is not without reason that abortion has been called "The Second Holocaust". ...and many more people died than in the first one.

Instead of doing a "pro-choice" paper, I would suggest that you do a paper that objectively looks at the facts and statistics of abortion.

I hope this helps, and good luck with your paper.
Reply:Check out the book "Freakonomics" by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner. They point out that the crime rate dropped in the relevant years in the early 1990s, just as the first cohort of children born after Roe v. Wade was hitting its late teen years (14 to 17). These are the years during which young men enter their criminal prime. At this juncture, the rate of crime began to fall. They speculate that the lower amount of crime was due to the lower amount of unwanted children.
Reply:the pro choice people don't spend as much time obsessing about it, thats why you find less information.

you will get your answers there.

there is no credible excuse for killing a kid.
Reply:Ya, but none of that matters when you can give the kid to someone else.

Its called adoption.

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