Thursday, November 19, 2009

How does psychology realates with statistics?

What is it that we used statistics and what are the methods?

How does psychology realates with statistics?
The heart of psychology is statistics. Psychological research is done using certain methodologies and statistics. Psychology is all about showing relationships between variables, so we can predict future behaviors. Psychologists do research in graduate school, and some for their careers. Even doing surveys and questionnaires about people's opinions and attitudes involves the use of statistics, as does all psychological testings. Tests are created using statistics ensuring they are valid and reliable. There are many methods and many statistical tests....e.g. case studies, experimental laboratory research, questionnaires, etc. How data is collected determines what type of statistic is used.

(college psych prof)
Reply:Statistics for the behavioral sciences helps you interpret research data. Psych research must be accurate to .05 percentile and medical stats must be accurate to .01 percentile.

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