Thursday, November 19, 2009

According to statistics, is the welfare system working or is fraud still prevalent?

I am looking for welfare statistics to find out if the system is working or if there are still a large amount of fraud cases.

According to statistics, is the welfare system working or is fraud still prevalent?
Illegal immigrants are the biggest recipients of our welfare fraud problem.
Reply:I found a couple websites you might enjoy reading that are listed below. Here is a quote from one of the below websites:

"Eighteen states had not been keeping statistics on child care fraud, but of them, several responded that the local county agencies administering the services did maintained fraud databases. In those states that did maintain detailed statistics, fraud was discovered in upwards of 69 percent of the investigations conducted with total annual discovered fraud amounts ranging from $10,000 to over $1 million." -UCOWF
Reply:The current welfare/SS/unemployment/medicare/medicad... make up 67% of the Federal governments total spending. If you take into consideration that the Fed recieves about 3.5 trillion in tax revenues a year then 2.34 trillion dollars goes into social assistance programs. (2,340,000,000,000 dollars) if only lets say that on the low end 10% of the total is fraudulent or misused then that is 234 billion dollars that is being stolen from the countries tax payers. This alone would almost cover the national deficit. If the actual fraud rate was more like 20-30%, which it probably is, then we are looking at 468 - 702 billion being stolen each year as a result. So, if we were to decrease the # of fraudulent claims by 10-15% as a country we would effectively start eliminating our overall national debt, thus increasing the value of the dollar. But in our current situation the national debt continues to increase due mostly to social assistance programs. The fat could be cut in other areas and should be but the biggest chunk of the pie will have to come from social services or our children will have some serious problems in the future.

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