Thursday, November 19, 2009

Aren't the Census and US Vital Statistics engaging in pseudoscience?

Everything they do is because it was written into law. The Congressman don't even read the bills which are hundreds of pages long. The President then signs the bill as a stimulus package and then the government bureacrats enforce the law just for the sake of it and could care less where the grant money goes because they have no incentive to get accurate statistics.

It is hardly the way a scientist does research which is to do a study and then submit the findings to a peer-reviewed journal and see if other scientists are able to replicate the data.

Aren't the Census and US Vital Statistics engaging in pseudoscience?
Your statement has nothing to say about what is wrong with the data that comes from the census. The census is mandated by law, and it is the basis for determining the number of Representatives in Congress that come from each state. The census was also used to determine the number of draftees were to come from each state during the Vietnam debacle.

This information is not scientific research. It uses statistical methods that are used to make estimates, not necessarily exact numbers. It costs so much to do a census that no institution would have the money to run it more than once per decade.

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