Sunday, November 15, 2009

Is a double major in finance and math/statistics a good combination for job opportunities?

I am a freshman and I want to double major in finance and math/statistics with a minor in Spanish. Is this a good combination? What kind of jobs would I be able to get? Is there a better combination?

Is a double major in finance and math/statistics a good combination for job opportunities?
It is a great combination
Reply:Finance and math is an excellent combination: Most math majors are very theoretical and can't apply math to anything useful; many finance majors are weak in math and find their career prospects limiting. A math/finance person would be in demand by Goldman Sachs and similar investment houses, by insurance companies for actuarial work, by consulting firms like McKinsey %26amp; Company, etc.

I'm not sure what the Spanish adds to this, unless your goal is to work in a Spanish-speaking area.
Reply:An excellent combination. I have heard graduates with a degree in financial maths are being snapped up as soon as they are qualified - especially if they have a Masters in it.


BSc Math

Masters in Financial Math Student.

PS - I have retired from work - I am just doing it out if interest -but other have told me it has great career prospects.



my cat

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