Thursday, November 19, 2009

Where can i find dog attack statistics?

Where do i find information about dog bites and dog attacks. Like the statisics for which breeds bite the most, which breeds cause the most fatal attacks, and how many dog attacks happen per year. I have been searching online, but i just can't seem to find what i'm looking for. I see people throw out statistics, but they are all different, so i want to find for myself the real statistics. Does anyone know where i can find this information?

Where can i find dog attack statistics?

Please look:

- CDC statistics

- Breeds of dogs involved in fatal human attacks in the United States between 1979 and 1998 -

also look:

- Nonfatal Dog Bite--Related Injuries Treated in Hospital Emergency Departments --- United States, 2001 -

Jason Homan
Reply:Don't believe stats, most bites are unreported because they happen within families or to people known to the dogs family.

If you contact the local health department or animal control in your area they probably maintain their own records and might be able to help.

I would like to add that since most people can't identify dog breeds and there are so many mutts out there; dividing on the basis of breed makes little sense. Really what others have said is true, all dogs can bite.

I have been bit by 3 dogs and my dogs have been bit and it was always a breed that was supposed to be nice and not bite.

This not only gives statistics but breaks it down between dogs, vicitims, fatalities, and gives comparisons to other injuries.

Here is a pdf link to a site that has statistics on various breeds and details about some of the bites (i.e. provoked, etc...).
Reply:If you want to find actual statistics, like numbers, I can't help you with that. I'm not sure why you want to know this information. If you're trying to find a good dog for your kids/family, then try, or google "best dog for me." Understand that ALL dogs can bite, and most WILL bite when pushed too far by a curious infant, or abusive owner. But if you're looking for the info to maintain your argument for or against laws, or for a report, I just googled "dog bite statistics" and came up with some good stuff.

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