Saturday, April 17, 2010

Where can I find social statistics on human behaviors?

I am looking for statistics on everyday human behaviors. LIke how many times a week the average person showers, etc.

Where can I find social statistics on human behaviors?
Dear sir; please be advised that "Statistics" is a complex science that is categorize by formulas and mathematical functions. To understand how "Statistics" apply to Human Behavior you need to study Statistics for one year at college level. "Average" is a scientific term. A scientific process that uses mathematical formulas is used to describe "average." Look for Psychological and Sociological Journals at University Libraries.
Reply:Type in Human Behaviors, Human Patterns, etc

Also, you can get books at the Library, talk with a Psychologist at any University, etc

this was a question that was asked 4 months ago.
Reply:The Merk Manual, written for medical doctors, has all kind of information; average number of times that men and women pass gas, burp, etc.

The DSM-IV, TR for psychology lists a lot of demographic information on who may develop disorders (% of males, females, age, etc.)

Good luck!!

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