Monday, May 4, 2009

What are statistics to be used to compare two variables, one of them has two levels?

I conducting a study, and I run through this problem. I've got two variable, one of them only two levels. So what kind of statistics should I use to compare them? I tried to think about two- way ANOVA and one- way ANOVA and t- test, but nothing seems reasonable for me! what do you think?

What are statistics to be used to compare two variables, one of them has two levels?
The answer lies in the type of data collected. Is the data ordinal? Quantitative? The different types of data need to treated differently. a great reference on model selection and analysis is:

"Analysis of Variance, Design and Regression: Applied Statistical Methods"

By Ronald Christensen

Published 1996

CRC Press
Reply:ANOVA is used for sample with more than 2 level. Otherwise, t-test will be sufficient and should yield the same result when comparing two levels of the same variable. e.g. Variable height with sex as levels (male and female).

You use one-way anova if you have only one factor being considered. e.g. variable Height with factor sex.

Two-way (or two factor) ANOVA is if you have two factors. e.g. Height with sex and race as factors. Race can have more than two levels (asian, european, african, latin, etc).

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