Where do i find information about dog bites and dog attacks. Like the statisics for which breeds bite the most, which breeds cause the most fatal attacks, and how many dog attacks happen per year. I have been searching online, but i just can't seem to find what i'm looking for. I see people throw out statistics, but they are all different, so i want to find for myself the real statistics. Does anyone know where i can find this information?
Where can i find dog attack statistics?
Please look:
- CDC statistics http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/PDF/wk/mm4621.pd...
- Breeds of dogs involved in fatal human attacks in the United States between 1979 and 1998 - http://www.cdc.gov/ncipc/duip/dogbreeds....
also look:
- Nonfatal Dog Bite--Related Injuries Treated in Hospital Emergency Departments --- United States, 2001 - http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml...
Jason Homan
Reply:Don't believe stats, most bites are unreported because they happen within families or to people known to the dogs family.
If you contact the local health department or animal control in your area they probably maintain their own records and might be able to help.
I would like to add that since most people can't identify dog breeds and there are so many mutts out there; dividing on the basis of breed makes little sense. Really what others have said is true, all dogs can bite.
I have been bit by 3 dogs and my dogs have been bit and it was always a breed that was supposed to be nice and not bite.
This not only gives statistics but breaks it down between dogs, vicitims, fatalities, and gives comparisons to other injuries.
Here is a pdf link to a site that has statistics on various breeds and details about some of the bites (i.e. provoked, etc...).
Reply:If you want to find actual statistics, like numbers, I can't help you with that. I'm not sure why you want to know this information. If you're trying to find a good dog for your kids/family, then try AKC.org, or google "best dog for me." Understand that ALL dogs can bite, and most WILL bite when pushed too far by a curious infant, or abusive owner. But if you're looking for the info to maintain your argument for or against laws, or for a report, I just googled "dog bite statistics" and came up with some good stuff.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
What are the statistics for marriage, divorce and unmarried couples living together in Germany?
I need to make comparisons between one year and a more recent year, eg 1996 and 2006 for couples in Germany, whether they have children, whether they are married, whether they have been divorced.... and I can't find anything helpful online! Do any of you happen to know any of these statistics?
What are the statistics for marriage, divorce and unmarried couples living together in Germany?
I read an article about marriage in Germany not long ago; I think it might have been from the AP (and, thus, available at many newspaper websites, etc). It seems they have a high percentage if couples who live together without getting married and a large number of women who specifically choose not to have children--something like 1/3 of women in Germany do not have kids.
Reply:they find it inmature it is unexceptable .. !! LOL .. but today theie doing it because of the american's living there they adapt to the culture/ way of being
What are the statistics for marriage, divorce and unmarried couples living together in Germany?
I read an article about marriage in Germany not long ago; I think it might have been from the AP (and, thus, available at many newspaper websites, etc). It seems they have a high percentage if couples who live together without getting married and a large number of women who specifically choose not to have children--something like 1/3 of women in Germany do not have kids.
Reply:they find it inmature it is unexceptable .. !! LOL .. but today theie doing it because of the american's living there they adapt to the culture/ way of being
Where and how can I get an entry level statistics job in Southern California?
I have a Master's degree in psychology and have taken almost 2 years of statistics. I would like an entry level position but all the job openings I find seem to be in market research.
Where and how can I get an entry level statistics job in Southern California?
First and most obvious is a government statistician post.
Not so obvious is in pharmaceuticals - clinical trials and associated research demand data-aware professionals with good knowledge and an understanding of stats.
Another area is in education - the companies and or agencies who develop standardised tests and exams, not just psychometric instruments but school examinations.
There are also many many jobs in the financial services sector which may *sound* like market research positions but are actually very stats intensive with real job output.
Reply:haveyou tried the public school system? Some systems have programs that they need evaluated and they collected a lot of data that needs to be analyzed.
Pharmaceutical companies too.
broken teeth
Where and how can I get an entry level statistics job in Southern California?
First and most obvious is a government statistician post.
Not so obvious is in pharmaceuticals - clinical trials and associated research demand data-aware professionals with good knowledge and an understanding of stats.
Another area is in education - the companies and or agencies who develop standardised tests and exams, not just psychometric instruments but school examinations.
There are also many many jobs in the financial services sector which may *sound* like market research positions but are actually very stats intensive with real job output.
Reply:haveyou tried the public school system? Some systems have programs that they need evaluated and they collected a lot of data that needs to be analyzed.
Pharmaceutical companies too.
broken teeth
Any information or statistics about make make, and what happened to ceres after they made the plutoid family?
any vital statistics about makemake, diameter, orbital period, speed, rotation period, mass, volume,ECT.
and if ceres is not part of the plutoid group did that mean they demoted it AGAIN? or is it still a dwarf planet? i sure hope it is still a dwarf planet, i liked ceres.
Any information or statistics about make make, and what happened to ceres after they made the plutoid family?
The Makemake wiki page has grown into a great resource now, so I will provide a link instead of cutting/pasting into this answer. All of Makemakes' orbital and physical characteristics are shown on that page, as well as a visual comparison to other members of the solar system.
As for Ceres, it is still a Dwarf Planet because being a member of the Plutoid family is not a requirement to be a Dwarf Planet. Lots of info on the (currently) four Dwarf Planets here:
Hope that answers your question!
Reply:I like it too. Heres what I found on the web:Ceres was named after the Roman goddess of the harvest, of growing plants, and motherly love. It is the smallest of the dwarf planets, a new category of astronomical bodies created by the International Astronomical Union in 2006. Dwarf planets currently includes Pluto, Eris, and Ceres.. Pluto's demotion from the list of solar system planets grabbed front-page headlines in 2006. But the debate over the qualifications for planethood reaches back to the discovery of Ceres.
Discovery and Classification
Ceres was discovered on January 1, 1801 by astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi, a monk in Sicily and the founding director of the Palermo Astronomical Observatory. Ceres was found within a gap between Mars and Jupiter where a planet was expected to reside, based on the spacing of the known planets in the solar system. Known as the Titius-Bode Law, this prediction was named for the astronomers who had noticed in the 1760s and 1770s that the relative distances of the six known planets from the Sun fit a mathematical relationship. Although it is called a "law," it has no basis in physics.
According to Titius-Bode, a planet should exist between Mars and Jupiter. Astronomers had been hunting for this phantom planet since Uranus was discovered in 1781. Uranus, too, was at just the distance where the law predicted a planet should be.
Nestled between Mars and Jupiter, Ceres was in just the right spot. So astronomers called it a planet. Piazzi initially named the new planet Ceres Ferdinandea after the Roman goddess of the harvest and King Ferdinand IV of Naples and Sicily. Ferdinandea, however, was later dropped.
Ceres's discovery was just the beginning of a landslide of small bodies spotted between Mars and Jupiter. A year after Ceres was discovered, astronomers found another body between the two planets that was almost as bright as Ceres. Heinrich Olbers unexpectedly found the second body, which he called Pallas after Pallas Athena, an alternate name for the goddess Athena.
Many astronomers realized that neither Ceres nor Pallas fit the conventional idea of a planet because their disks were so small they could only be resolved through telescopes. Because of their star-like appearance, Sir William Herschel coined the term "asteroid" for such bodies, writing in 1802: "They resemble small stars so much as hardly to be distinguished from them, even by very good telescopes." Herschel, therefore, argued that Ceres and Pallas were different from other planets.
Most other astronomers, however, disagreed. These two new additions to the solar system were listed with the rest of the planets.
The rush of small bodies continued to pile up. Astronomers nabbed Juno in 1804 and Vesta in 1807. The growing list of small objects raised concern that the asteroids were debris from a planet that had somehow disintegrated. Nevertheless, Juno and Vesta joined Ceres and Pallas as planets.
By the 1820s, astronomers counted 11 planets in the solar system. Introductory astronomy texts of that time listed the planets as Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Vesta, Juno, Ceres, Pallas, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.
Astronomers found another body, Astraea, near the end of 1845, almost 39 years after Vesta was spied. Three new objects were spotted in 1847. By the end of 1851, there were 15 known bodies between Mars and Jupiter.
Finally, astronomers realized that this large number of similar bodies all in orbit between Mars and Jupiter represented a new class of solar-system object. They called them asteroids, the name Herschel had coined 50 years earlier. Instead of listing them by distance from the Sun, as they did the planets, astronomers categorized them by their order of discovery. Astronomers today list about 100,000 known asteroids as large as 6 miles (10 kilometers) across located between Mars and Jupiter, a region now called the asteroid belt.
So Pluto's dismissal from the planetary ranks is not unique. Ceres, Vesta, and the other asteroids found in the 1800s, suffered the same indignity. In fact, their stories are similar. Astronomers began to question the planethood of Ceres, Vesta, and the other asteroids as they spotted more objects in the same region. Likewise, Pluto's planetary pedigree was put to the test when astronomers began finding other icy rocks in the planet's neighborhood, a region now called the Kuiper belt. In fact, one of the objects discovered, Eris, is even larger than Pluto. Ceres, Vesta, and Pluto also are among the most massive bodies in their respective regions, the asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt.
In 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) attempted to settle the ongoing debate by adopting a new planet definition. One proposal would have defined a planet as "a celestial body that (a) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, and (b) is in orbit around a star, and is neither a star nor a satellite of a planet". If this proposal had been adopted, Ceres would have become the fifth planet in order from the Sun. Because of some of the complications this proposal would have caused, it was not accepted. Instead an alternative definition came into effect which defined a "planet" as "a celestial body that is in orbit around the sun, has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a ... nearly round shape, and has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit." The newly adopted definition was bad news for Pluto but good news for Ceres. Pluto was demoted to a category called dwarf planets, and Ceres was promoted to the same category. Dwarf planets share some, but not all, of a planet's characteristics. Both bodies are round like planets but do not clear out their orbits of debris.
The long debate on the definition of a planet is a textbook example of how scientific concepts are not etched in stone but continue to evolve with new discoveries.
Physical Characteristics
With a diameter of about 975x909 km, Ceres is by far the largest and most massive (9.5 x1020 kg) body in the asteroid belt, and contains approximately a third of the mass (0.2 x1021 kg) of all the asteroids in the solar system. However, it is not the largest solar system object besides the Sun, planets, and their moons. Larger bodies have been found in the Kuiper belt including Pluto, 50000 Quaoar, 90482 Orcus, 90377 Sedna, and Eris. Recent observations have revealed that Ceres is nearly spherical in shape, unlike the irregular shapes of smaller bodies with less gravity. Having sufficient mass for self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces is one of the requirements for classification as a planet or dwarf planet.
German mathematician Karl Friedrich Gauss calculated from Piazzi's few observations that Ceres circled around the Sun once every 4.6 years or about 4 years, 220 days. Its true sidereal period is 1679.819 days. Ceres has a very small axial tilt of 4±5 degrees.
Ceres has a very primitive surface and like a young planet, contains water-bearing minerals, and possibly a very weak atmosphere and frost. Infrared observations show that the surface is warm with a possible maximum temperature of 235 K (-38°C). Ceres ranges in its visual brightness magnitude from +6.9 to +9.. At its brightest point it is just barely too dim to be seen with the naked eye.
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope observed that Ceres' surface has a large dark spot as well as a bright spot which are presumed to be crates. A second explanation for the dark spot it that it may be a darker substance in the asteroid's soil. Studies have shown that Ceres probably has a differentiated interior with a rocky core, an icy mantle that is betwee 60 to 120 km thick, and a thin dusty surface.
More will be know about Ceres when the Dawn spacecraft visits the dwarf planet in 2015. The Dawn mission is set for launch in September 2007. It will explore asteroid 4 Vesta in 2011 before arriving at Ceres
and if ceres is not part of the plutoid group did that mean they demoted it AGAIN? or is it still a dwarf planet? i sure hope it is still a dwarf planet, i liked ceres.
Any information or statistics about make make, and what happened to ceres after they made the plutoid family?
The Makemake wiki page has grown into a great resource now, so I will provide a link instead of cutting/pasting into this answer. All of Makemakes' orbital and physical characteristics are shown on that page, as well as a visual comparison to other members of the solar system.
As for Ceres, it is still a Dwarf Planet because being a member of the Plutoid family is not a requirement to be a Dwarf Planet. Lots of info on the (currently) four Dwarf Planets here:
Hope that answers your question!
Reply:I like it too. Heres what I found on the web:Ceres was named after the Roman goddess of the harvest, of growing plants, and motherly love. It is the smallest of the dwarf planets, a new category of astronomical bodies created by the International Astronomical Union in 2006. Dwarf planets currently includes Pluto, Eris, and Ceres.. Pluto's demotion from the list of solar system planets grabbed front-page headlines in 2006. But the debate over the qualifications for planethood reaches back to the discovery of Ceres.
Discovery and Classification
Ceres was discovered on January 1, 1801 by astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi, a monk in Sicily and the founding director of the Palermo Astronomical Observatory. Ceres was found within a gap between Mars and Jupiter where a planet was expected to reside, based on the spacing of the known planets in the solar system. Known as the Titius-Bode Law, this prediction was named for the astronomers who had noticed in the 1760s and 1770s that the relative distances of the six known planets from the Sun fit a mathematical relationship. Although it is called a "law," it has no basis in physics.
According to Titius-Bode, a planet should exist between Mars and Jupiter. Astronomers had been hunting for this phantom planet since Uranus was discovered in 1781. Uranus, too, was at just the distance where the law predicted a planet should be.
Nestled between Mars and Jupiter, Ceres was in just the right spot. So astronomers called it a planet. Piazzi initially named the new planet Ceres Ferdinandea after the Roman goddess of the harvest and King Ferdinand IV of Naples and Sicily. Ferdinandea, however, was later dropped.
Ceres's discovery was just the beginning of a landslide of small bodies spotted between Mars and Jupiter. A year after Ceres was discovered, astronomers found another body between the two planets that was almost as bright as Ceres. Heinrich Olbers unexpectedly found the second body, which he called Pallas after Pallas Athena, an alternate name for the goddess Athena.
Many astronomers realized that neither Ceres nor Pallas fit the conventional idea of a planet because their disks were so small they could only be resolved through telescopes. Because of their star-like appearance, Sir William Herschel coined the term "asteroid" for such bodies, writing in 1802: "They resemble small stars so much as hardly to be distinguished from them, even by very good telescopes." Herschel, therefore, argued that Ceres and Pallas were different from other planets.
Most other astronomers, however, disagreed. These two new additions to the solar system were listed with the rest of the planets.
The rush of small bodies continued to pile up. Astronomers nabbed Juno in 1804 and Vesta in 1807. The growing list of small objects raised concern that the asteroids were debris from a planet that had somehow disintegrated. Nevertheless, Juno and Vesta joined Ceres and Pallas as planets.
By the 1820s, astronomers counted 11 planets in the solar system. Introductory astronomy texts of that time listed the planets as Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Vesta, Juno, Ceres, Pallas, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.
Astronomers found another body, Astraea, near the end of 1845, almost 39 years after Vesta was spied. Three new objects were spotted in 1847. By the end of 1851, there were 15 known bodies between Mars and Jupiter.
Finally, astronomers realized that this large number of similar bodies all in orbit between Mars and Jupiter represented a new class of solar-system object. They called them asteroids, the name Herschel had coined 50 years earlier. Instead of listing them by distance from the Sun, as they did the planets, astronomers categorized them by their order of discovery. Astronomers today list about 100,000 known asteroids as large as 6 miles (10 kilometers) across located between Mars and Jupiter, a region now called the asteroid belt.
So Pluto's dismissal from the planetary ranks is not unique. Ceres, Vesta, and the other asteroids found in the 1800s, suffered the same indignity. In fact, their stories are similar. Astronomers began to question the planethood of Ceres, Vesta, and the other asteroids as they spotted more objects in the same region. Likewise, Pluto's planetary pedigree was put to the test when astronomers began finding other icy rocks in the planet's neighborhood, a region now called the Kuiper belt. In fact, one of the objects discovered, Eris, is even larger than Pluto. Ceres, Vesta, and Pluto also are among the most massive bodies in their respective regions, the asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt.
In 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) attempted to settle the ongoing debate by adopting a new planet definition. One proposal would have defined a planet as "a celestial body that (a) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, and (b) is in orbit around a star, and is neither a star nor a satellite of a planet". If this proposal had been adopted, Ceres would have become the fifth planet in order from the Sun. Because of some of the complications this proposal would have caused, it was not accepted. Instead an alternative definition came into effect which defined a "planet" as "a celestial body that is in orbit around the sun, has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a ... nearly round shape, and has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit." The newly adopted definition was bad news for Pluto but good news for Ceres. Pluto was demoted to a category called dwarf planets, and Ceres was promoted to the same category. Dwarf planets share some, but not all, of a planet's characteristics. Both bodies are round like planets but do not clear out their orbits of debris.
The long debate on the definition of a planet is a textbook example of how scientific concepts are not etched in stone but continue to evolve with new discoveries.
Physical Characteristics
With a diameter of about 975x909 km, Ceres is by far the largest and most massive (9.5 x1020 kg) body in the asteroid belt, and contains approximately a third of the mass (0.2 x1021 kg) of all the asteroids in the solar system. However, it is not the largest solar system object besides the Sun, planets, and their moons. Larger bodies have been found in the Kuiper belt including Pluto, 50000 Quaoar, 90482 Orcus, 90377 Sedna, and Eris. Recent observations have revealed that Ceres is nearly spherical in shape, unlike the irregular shapes of smaller bodies with less gravity. Having sufficient mass for self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces is one of the requirements for classification as a planet or dwarf planet.
German mathematician Karl Friedrich Gauss calculated from Piazzi's few observations that Ceres circled around the Sun once every 4.6 years or about 4 years, 220 days. Its true sidereal period is 1679.819 days. Ceres has a very small axial tilt of 4±5 degrees.
Ceres has a very primitive surface and like a young planet, contains water-bearing minerals, and possibly a very weak atmosphere and frost. Infrared observations show that the surface is warm with a possible maximum temperature of 235 K (-38°C). Ceres ranges in its visual brightness magnitude from +6.9 to +9.. At its brightest point it is just barely too dim to be seen with the naked eye.
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope observed that Ceres' surface has a large dark spot as well as a bright spot which are presumed to be crates. A second explanation for the dark spot it that it may be a darker substance in the asteroid's soil. Studies have shown that Ceres probably has a differentiated interior with a rocky core, an icy mantle that is betwee 60 to 120 km thick, and a thin dusty surface.
More will be know about Ceres when the Dawn spacecraft visits the dwarf planet in 2015. The Dawn mission is set for launch in September 2007. It will explore asteroid 4 Vesta in 2011 before arriving at Ceres
What are some statistics about how tourism affects local businesses?
I would assume that toursim impacts local economy by creating jobs and bringing tourism dollars into the community. Do you know any statistics or good information sources regarding this?
What are some statistics about how tourism affects local businesses?
Tourism is down by 70 percent this year (for the month of April, 2006) compared to last year's figures, and thusly, revenue for my hotel is down by 68 percent. Very relative, don't you think?
What are some statistics about how tourism affects local businesses?
Tourism is down by 70 percent this year (for the month of April, 2006) compared to last year's figures, and thusly, revenue for my hotel is down by 68 percent. Very relative, don't you think?
How are undocumented workers accounted for in unemployment statistics?
Since undocumented workers and those employed in illegal activites contribute to aggregate output(real gdp) is there an official way to measure their output or their contribution to statistics such as the unemployment rate?
How are undocumented workers accounted for in unemployment statistics?
they are not accounted for
Reply:The fact that they are undocumented should answer your questions. If they are here illegally then no taxes, social security,
or anything else is taken out. They do not file tax returns nor
does the people who hire illegals admit to hiring them. I don't believe there is any way to make any official statistic concerning
their contributions.
Reply:No. Unemployment statistics depend a great deal on counting people who have applied for unemployment benefits and are looking for work through that department. (That's why the figures can't really be trusted; they don't count people who have just given up.)
How are undocumented workers accounted for in unemployment statistics?
they are not accounted for
Reply:The fact that they are undocumented should answer your questions. If they are here illegally then no taxes, social security,
or anything else is taken out. They do not file tax returns nor
does the people who hire illegals admit to hiring them. I don't believe there is any way to make any official statistic concerning
their contributions.
Reply:No. Unemployment statistics depend a great deal on counting people who have applied for unemployment benefits and are looking for work through that department. (That's why the figures can't really be trusted; they don't count people who have just given up.)
According to statistics, is the welfare system working or is fraud still prevalent?
I am looking for welfare statistics to find out if the system is working or if there are still a large amount of fraud cases.
According to statistics, is the welfare system working or is fraud still prevalent?
Illegal immigrants are the biggest recipients of our welfare fraud problem.
Reply:I found a couple websites you might enjoy reading that are listed below. Here is a quote from one of the below websites:
"Eighteen states had not been keeping statistics on child care fraud, but of them, several responded that the local county agencies administering the services did maintained fraud databases. In those states that did maintain detailed statistics, fraud was discovered in upwards of 69 percent of the investigations conducted with total annual discovered fraud amounts ranging from $10,000 to over $1 million." -UCOWF
Reply:The current welfare/SS/unemployment/medicare/medicad... make up 67% of the Federal governments total spending. If you take into consideration that the Fed recieves about 3.5 trillion in tax revenues a year then 2.34 trillion dollars goes into social assistance programs. (2,340,000,000,000 dollars) if only lets say that on the low end 10% of the total is fraudulent or misused then that is 234 billion dollars that is being stolen from the countries tax payers. This alone would almost cover the national deficit. If the actual fraud rate was more like 20-30%, which it probably is, then we are looking at 468 - 702 billion being stolen each year as a result. So, if we were to decrease the # of fraudulent claims by 10-15% as a country we would effectively start eliminating our overall national debt, thus increasing the value of the dollar. But in our current situation the national debt continues to increase due mostly to social assistance programs. The fat could be cut in other areas and should be but the biggest chunk of the pie will have to come from social services or our children will have some serious problems in the future.
canine teeth
According to statistics, is the welfare system working or is fraud still prevalent?
Illegal immigrants are the biggest recipients of our welfare fraud problem.
Reply:I found a couple websites you might enjoy reading that are listed below. Here is a quote from one of the below websites:
"Eighteen states had not been keeping statistics on child care fraud, but of them, several responded that the local county agencies administering the services did maintained fraud databases. In those states that did maintain detailed statistics, fraud was discovered in upwards of 69 percent of the investigations conducted with total annual discovered fraud amounts ranging from $10,000 to over $1 million." -UCOWF
Reply:The current welfare/SS/unemployment/medicare/medicad... make up 67% of the Federal governments total spending. If you take into consideration that the Fed recieves about 3.5 trillion in tax revenues a year then 2.34 trillion dollars goes into social assistance programs. (2,340,000,000,000 dollars) if only lets say that on the low end 10% of the total is fraudulent or misused then that is 234 billion dollars that is being stolen from the countries tax payers. This alone would almost cover the national deficit. If the actual fraud rate was more like 20-30%, which it probably is, then we are looking at 468 - 702 billion being stolen each year as a result. So, if we were to decrease the # of fraudulent claims by 10-15% as a country we would effectively start eliminating our overall national debt, thus increasing the value of the dollar. But in our current situation the national debt continues to increase due mostly to social assistance programs. The fat could be cut in other areas and should be but the biggest chunk of the pie will have to come from social services or our children will have some serious problems in the future.
canine teeth
What graphing calculator is best for Intro to Statistics?
I'm 24 years old but I've managed to avoid EVER having to use a graphing calculator! Now that I'm taking statistics in college, it was suggested that I purchase one. Any suggestions on a good one that won't break the bank? Thanks!
What graphing calculator is best for Intro to Statistics?
I would actually advise against getting a TI at all. For stats you will not be using any of the graphing functions. The only advantage is that you will be able to do things like nCr etc which will come in handy.. but there are other much cheaper calsulators that also do those operations. I have a Ti-31 that does those operations and it only cost me about 15$! If you are not planning on going any deeper into mathematics or serious physics don't waste your money.
Oh yeah, I should mention that I am a fourth year engineer and have made it through numerous stats and calculus courses without ever getting a graphing calculator. They are just not worth it.
Reply:If it is a calculus based intro to stats get the TI-89 titanium, but if it isn't, go with the TI-83
Reply:The TI-83 by Texas Instruments should meet your needs and it is pretty much a standard calculator, so your text book will have directions for using it with your stats. It runs from $90 to $100.
Reply:try TI-83 of Texas Instrument
What graphing calculator is best for Intro to Statistics?
I would actually advise against getting a TI at all. For stats you will not be using any of the graphing functions. The only advantage is that you will be able to do things like nCr etc which will come in handy.. but there are other much cheaper calsulators that also do those operations. I have a Ti-31 that does those operations and it only cost me about 15$! If you are not planning on going any deeper into mathematics or serious physics don't waste your money.
Oh yeah, I should mention that I am a fourth year engineer and have made it through numerous stats and calculus courses without ever getting a graphing calculator. They are just not worth it.
Reply:If it is a calculus based intro to stats get the TI-89 titanium, but if it isn't, go with the TI-83
Reply:The TI-83 by Texas Instruments should meet your needs and it is pretty much a standard calculator, so your text book will have directions for using it with your stats. It runs from $90 to $100.
Reply:try TI-83 of Texas Instrument
Where do I find statistics to support the idea that more guns reduce violence?
In response to my thought that statistics show that death rates from firearms is directly related to the number of guns available I recieved the information that more guns reduce violence and less guns increase it.
Could that person or somebody else please guide me to the site which gives statistics supporting this idea?
Where do I find statistics to support the idea that more guns reduce violence?
Across all civilised countries gun control decreases murder rates. Many of the countries mentioned here with low crime rates, such as Canada and Switzerland, are very liberal countries. High conservatism causes a 'criminal backlash' by the massive victims of that conservatism.
Reply:Oh brother. The guy didn't provide statistics and you gave him best answer? Next time, don't ask a question if you just want to push a political agenda. Report Abuse
Reply:ask at nra.org
Reply:More Guns, Less Crime by John R. Lott Jr.
Reply:I always make up my statistics for example:
Did you know that 10 out every 5 children are sexually assaulted online?
Reply:That big lie is so preposterous it is obviously the last refuge of the desperate. The gun lobby has been backed into a corner - I for one will volunteer to pull the trigger on the miserable lot of them.
Reply:the problem is the mass media only reports about negative gun violence...when is the last time you heard a NEWS story about someone defending themself with a firearm? Does anybody think that actually does'nt happen? Just ask my brother-in-law who saved the life of his family because he happened to have a weapon at the time he got held up?
Reply:be careful... there's a lot of odd stats out there...
and citing something that's false, is worse than not citing something at all...
I've seen little to actually prove what you're looking for... at best, they seem to be cherry picked studies that can't even get close to being fair...
Reply:possibly check with the NRA
Here's a couple of good articles though:
Reply:Look to the country Switzerland. One of the lowest violence world wide and load of people own guns.
Could that person or somebody else please guide me to the site which gives statistics supporting this idea?
Where do I find statistics to support the idea that more guns reduce violence?
Across all civilised countries gun control decreases murder rates. Many of the countries mentioned here with low crime rates, such as Canada and Switzerland, are very liberal countries. High conservatism causes a 'criminal backlash' by the massive victims of that conservatism.
Reply:Oh brother. The guy didn't provide statistics and you gave him best answer? Next time, don't ask a question if you just want to push a political agenda. Report Abuse
Reply:ask at nra.org
Reply:More Guns, Less Crime by John R. Lott Jr.
Reply:I always make up my statistics for example:
Did you know that 10 out every 5 children are sexually assaulted online?
Reply:That big lie is so preposterous it is obviously the last refuge of the desperate. The gun lobby has been backed into a corner - I for one will volunteer to pull the trigger on the miserable lot of them.
Reply:the problem is the mass media only reports about negative gun violence...when is the last time you heard a NEWS story about someone defending themself with a firearm? Does anybody think that actually does'nt happen? Just ask my brother-in-law who saved the life of his family because he happened to have a weapon at the time he got held up?
Reply:be careful... there's a lot of odd stats out there...
and citing something that's false, is worse than not citing something at all...
I've seen little to actually prove what you're looking for... at best, they seem to be cherry picked studies that can't even get close to being fair...
Reply:possibly check with the NRA
Here's a couple of good articles though:
Reply:Look to the country Switzerland. One of the lowest violence world wide and load of people own guns.
Where can I find statistics on stray pets in the US?
I need statistics frm the gov't, activists, and any other source. I really want statistics on stray dogs. Thanx for your help
Where can I find statistics on stray pets in the US?
Try the Humane Society of the United States web site at http://www.hsus.org/home-1.html, and here is a link to an article about unwanted pets http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/03/10/unwante...
or call your local humaine society and ask them what websites are best for finding info like that.
Where can I find statistics on stray pets in the US?
Try the Humane Society of the United States web site at http://www.hsus.org/home-1.html, and here is a link to an article about unwanted pets http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/03/10/unwante...
or call your local humaine society and ask them what websites are best for finding info like that.
Where can I find statistics about the number of disabled people taking holidays in the UK?
Long shot but does anyone know where I can find statistics about the no of disabled people taking holidays? I'm doing some market research and I've looked at the office for national statistics and visitbritain but that's the only half useful stuff I can find, Help!
Where can I find statistics about the number of disabled people taking holidays in the UK?
I found these sites...
8564 people with special needs, together with their families, friends and carers, have enjoyed holidays with us since 1990 when our first boat, Rebecca, went into service.
Reply:Try this site
human teeth
Where can I find statistics about the number of disabled people taking holidays in the UK?
I found these sites...
8564 people with special needs, together with their families, friends and carers, have enjoyed holidays with us since 1990 when our first boat, Rebecca, went into service.
Reply:Try this site
human teeth
Where can one find unbiased information and statistics on illegal immigration?
I am looking for unbiased information and statistics on illegal immigration.
Where can one find unbiased information and statistics on illegal immigration?
Here is up to the sec LIVE data.
Reply:There is no such information. Illegal aliens by their very nature are criminals and therefore take active measures not to stand out or make themselves available to be counted or surveyed.
On one end you've got Pew Hispanic Research which, years ago, said there were 12,000,000 in the United States. On the other end you've got various immigration think-tanks that put the number between 25,000,000 and 38,000,000.
Reply:There will always be bias no matter what. Like for instance the 12 million illegals they claim are in America. This figure came about by census poles and such....where the FBI and other agencies were actually asked to stop raids just so they can get an accurate count.
But, as in all poles, there is a certain level of inaccuracy. But, due to past experience and the culture of the people primarily here illegally (central and south America for the most part) , we know that one goes to America....or a small group...then when they have settled, they send for their families. So 12 million might be 20 or 30 million as far as we know.
This therefore becomes speculation because there isn't really any "proof" and head count, but it is based on sound experience from the past.
Either way, illegal immigration needs to be dealt with, and not with Amnesty. America shouldn't and doesn't need to reward bad behaviour or breaking the law with citizenship.
Reply:Read this article on illegal immigration. It is interesting and informative. http://garyganu.blogspot.com/2008/05/ill...
Where can one find unbiased information and statistics on illegal immigration?
Here is up to the sec LIVE data.
Reply:There is no such information. Illegal aliens by their very nature are criminals and therefore take active measures not to stand out or make themselves available to be counted or surveyed.
On one end you've got Pew Hispanic Research which, years ago, said there were 12,000,000 in the United States. On the other end you've got various immigration think-tanks that put the number between 25,000,000 and 38,000,000.
Reply:There will always be bias no matter what. Like for instance the 12 million illegals they claim are in America. This figure came about by census poles and such....where the FBI and other agencies were actually asked to stop raids just so they can get an accurate count.
But, as in all poles, there is a certain level of inaccuracy. But, due to past experience and the culture of the people primarily here illegally (central and south America for the most part) , we know that one goes to America....or a small group...then when they have settled, they send for their families. So 12 million might be 20 or 30 million as far as we know.
This therefore becomes speculation because there isn't really any "proof" and head count, but it is based on sound experience from the past.
Either way, illegal immigration needs to be dealt with, and not with Amnesty. America shouldn't and doesn't need to reward bad behaviour or breaking the law with citizenship.
Reply:Read this article on illegal immigration. It is interesting and informative. http://garyganu.blogspot.com/2008/05/ill...
Does anyone have an easy way to remember the Scales of Measurement in statistics?
I'm trying to find an easy way to remember the 4 Scales of Measurement in statistics:
Any suggestions?
Does anyone have an easy way to remember the Scales of Measurement in statistics?
Memorize them in that order, each level has one more quality that the one before it did not.
Nominal has no magnitude, intervals, or rational zero
Ordinal has magnitude but no intervals or rational zero
Interval has magnitude, intervals, but no rational zero
Ratio has magnitude, intervals, and a rational zero
Here is a good site that explains the scales:
Any suggestions?
Does anyone have an easy way to remember the Scales of Measurement in statistics?
Memorize them in that order, each level has one more quality that the one before it did not.
Nominal has no magnitude, intervals, or rational zero
Ordinal has magnitude but no intervals or rational zero
Interval has magnitude, intervals, but no rational zero
Ratio has magnitude, intervals, and a rational zero
Here is a good site that explains the scales:
What is a good basic Intro To Statistics book, and workbook?
I find the Complete Idiot guide to statistics hard, and the utterly confused is also hard for someone who needs the basics in a language a beghinner not so good in Math can relate too.
What is a good basic Intro To Statistics book, and workbook?
Try Elementary Statistics by Robert R. Johnson, Patricia Kuby
I got this book from a used book shop because I'm a social science/humanities person, not too into math, and my statistics teacher at the university was really incompetent .
It is supposed to be a class text but I started doing it on my own and found it very well explained, and it carries you to the more complicated formulas very well. It has the answers to the odd exercises in the back, so you can check yourself. It also has many many exercises so you don't need an additional workbook.
Sometimes the idiot guides skip through a lot of important things because they want to make the books simple. They might have left out too much.
Others you might try are
Statistics: A Tool for Social Research (Hardcover)
by Joseph F. Healey
Statistics: The Exploration and Analysis of Data (with CD-ROM, InfoTrac, and Internet Companion) (Hardcover)
by Jay L. Devore, Roxy Peck
What is a good basic Intro To Statistics book, and workbook?
Try Elementary Statistics by Robert R. Johnson, Patricia Kuby
I got this book from a used book shop because I'm a social science/humanities person, not too into math, and my statistics teacher at the university was really incompetent .
It is supposed to be a class text but I started doing it on my own and found it very well explained, and it carries you to the more complicated formulas very well. It has the answers to the odd exercises in the back, so you can check yourself. It also has many many exercises so you don't need an additional workbook.
Sometimes the idiot guides skip through a lot of important things because they want to make the books simple. They might have left out too much.
Others you might try are
Statistics: A Tool for Social Research (Hardcover)
by Joseph F. Healey
Statistics: The Exploration and Analysis of Data (with CD-ROM, InfoTrac, and Internet Companion) (Hardcover)
by Jay L. Devore, Roxy Peck
Any statistics on how many people are left whose parents were slaves?
I read an obituary yesterday for Moses Hardy, who died on December 9, 2006, at the age of 113. He was the last black American veteran of World War I. The article noted that both of his parents had been slaves. I was wondering if anyone knows of any agency, historical record, or other source that maintains updated statistics on how many people might be left whose parents were slaves? There can only be very, very few of them, if any -- Mr. Hardy's father was born in the 1830s, and would have been in his late 50s when his son was born.
Any statistics on how many people are left whose parents were slaves?
I suppose there could be a few. A slave child born in 1865 could have had a child as late as, say, 1920. That child could still be alive.
Reply:who the hell cares?
Reply:I dont think there are any offical statistics to find that out. There are many broken families in the black community and a lot of them kept going north up into Canada.
Judging by what you wrote and that slavery ended in 1865 (you found a guy that was born in 1830's), there could be a decent amount, 50-100 would be my guess.
my cat
Any statistics on how many people are left whose parents were slaves?
I suppose there could be a few. A slave child born in 1865 could have had a child as late as, say, 1920. That child could still be alive.
Reply:who the hell cares?
Reply:I dont think there are any offical statistics to find that out. There are many broken families in the black community and a lot of them kept going north up into Canada.
Judging by what you wrote and that slavery ended in 1865 (you found a guy that was born in 1830's), there could be a decent amount, 50-100 would be my guess.
my cat
In statistics what is a set of numbers representing information from a sample?
In statistics what is a set of numbers representing information from a sample?
In statistics what is a set of numbers representing information from a sample?
I think it's DATASET. It fits the word you are looking for
Reply:I'd call it a subset
Reply:Sample 1aa
In statistics what is a set of numbers representing information from a sample?
I think it's DATASET. It fits the word you are looking for
Reply:I'd call it a subset
Reply:Sample 1aa
In statistics, what Greek symbol represents expectation, and what symbol represents variance?
In statistics, what Greek symbol represents expectation, and what symbol represents variance?
In statistics, what Greek symbol represents expectation, and what symbol represents variance?
Let X be a random variable
Expectation of X
E(X) = μ
Variance of X
Var(X) = V(X) = σ²
the sample stats are normally represented by xbar and s².
Reply:Expectation, or expected value, is usually given the Latin letter, E.
Variance is usually given the Greek letter sigma squared, σ².
Reply:Greek symbols for expectation and variance:
expectation - mu
variance - sigma^2
Reply:I represent variance by sxx /n-1, and it works wonders with examiners. As for expectation, although ive never heard of the term, I assume its 'the sum of' or .....wait a minute..... i dont have greek on my keyboard.....'Epsilon'
In statistics, what Greek symbol represents expectation, and what symbol represents variance?
Let X be a random variable
Expectation of X
E(X) = μ
Variance of X
Var(X) = V(X) = σ²
the sample stats are normally represented by xbar and s².
Reply:Expectation, or expected value, is usually given the Latin letter, E.
Variance is usually given the Greek letter sigma squared, σ².
Reply:Greek symbols for expectation and variance:
expectation - mu
variance - sigma^2
Reply:I represent variance by sxx /n-1, and it works wonders with examiners. As for expectation, although ive never heard of the term, I assume its 'the sum of' or .....wait a minute..... i dont have greek on my keyboard.....'Epsilon'
Aren't the Census and US Vital Statistics engaging in pseudoscience?
Everything they do is because it was written into law. The Congressman don't even read the bills which are hundreds of pages long. The President then signs the bill as a stimulus package and then the government bureacrats enforce the law just for the sake of it and could care less where the grant money goes because they have no incentive to get accurate statistics.
It is hardly the way a scientist does research which is to do a study and then submit the findings to a peer-reviewed journal and see if other scientists are able to replicate the data.
Aren't the Census and US Vital Statistics engaging in pseudoscience?
Your statement has nothing to say about what is wrong with the data that comes from the census. The census is mandated by law, and it is the basis for determining the number of Representatives in Congress that come from each state. The census was also used to determine the number of draftees were to come from each state during the Vietnam debacle.
This information is not scientific research. It uses statistical methods that are used to make estimates, not necessarily exact numbers. It costs so much to do a census that no institution would have the money to run it more than once per decade.
It is hardly the way a scientist does research which is to do a study and then submit the findings to a peer-reviewed journal and see if other scientists are able to replicate the data.
Aren't the Census and US Vital Statistics engaging in pseudoscience?
Your statement has nothing to say about what is wrong with the data that comes from the census. The census is mandated by law, and it is the basis for determining the number of Representatives in Congress that come from each state. The census was also used to determine the number of draftees were to come from each state during the Vietnam debacle.
This information is not scientific research. It uses statistical methods that are used to make estimates, not necessarily exact numbers. It costs so much to do a census that no institution would have the money to run it more than once per decade.
In statistics what shows how far away a measurement is from the mean or average?
In statistics what shows how far away a measurement is from the mean or average?
In statistics what shows how far away a measurement is from the mean or average?
Reply:That would be a standard deviation.
Reply:Standard deviation.
dog teeth
In statistics what shows how far away a measurement is from the mean or average?
Reply:That would be a standard deviation.
Reply:Standard deviation.
dog teeth
How to start off your Math Statistics Courework?
I struggling on ideas to start off my introduction in my math statistics coursework. Any ideas?
How to start off your Math Statistics Courework?
it really depends on the investigation you are doing...
if it helps i got an A* for mine...
so email me the details and i'll try to help!
Reply:Start your introduction with assumptions and basic theory. For normal distribution mention all the assumptions before performing any normal test. If you are doing exploratory data analysis, do scatter plot diagram...
BOTTOM LINE, start with the basics first then slowly progress with additional informations such as previous study, charts, data transformations, proofs, etc....FINALLY with your conclusion (and disclaimer)
How to start off your Math Statistics Courework?
it really depends on the investigation you are doing...
if it helps i got an A* for mine...
so email me the details and i'll try to help!
Reply:Start your introduction with assumptions and basic theory. For normal distribution mention all the assumptions before performing any normal test. If you are doing exploratory data analysis, do scatter plot diagram...
BOTTOM LINE, start with the basics first then slowly progress with additional informations such as previous study, charts, data transformations, proofs, etc....FINALLY with your conclusion (and disclaimer)
What is France's opinion on Plastic/Cosmetic Surgery? Are there any statistics to prove their opinion?
I need a bit of help with some research I'm doing - I can't seem to find a great deal of France's opinion on Cosmetic Surgery.
I know it is fairly popular in France but I need a few statistics and opinions about it and whether there are any bad cases to come from France about Cosmetic Surgery.
What is France's opinion on Plastic/Cosmetic Surgery? Are there any statistics to prove their opinion?
If you look at the bottom of the page you will notice a french flag. Click on it and you will go to the France site of Answers.
Of course it would help if you can ask the question in French. But you can try in English. More french people speak English then we do french.
From my knowledge of France, I doubt it is as popular as it is here. The French are more down to earth than we are. Of course, things change.
Good luck.
Reply:Well if plastic surgery is popular in France, that means that France is OK with this procedures
I know it is fairly popular in France but I need a few statistics and opinions about it and whether there are any bad cases to come from France about Cosmetic Surgery.
What is France's opinion on Plastic/Cosmetic Surgery? Are there any statistics to prove their opinion?
If you look at the bottom of the page you will notice a french flag. Click on it and you will go to the France site of Answers.
Of course it would help if you can ask the question in French. But you can try in English. More french people speak English then we do french.
From my knowledge of France, I doubt it is as popular as it is here. The French are more down to earth than we are. Of course, things change.
Good luck.
Reply:Well if plastic surgery is popular in France, that means that France is OK with this procedures
How do I judge my website statistics?
I own a website and the developer set up my site statistics with Awstats. My main catagories are "unique visitors" "# of visits" "pages" and "hits". The stat that really tracks how many times people are coming to your site is "visits" right? i see several of my competitors sites bragging about their hits, but that isn't a truely accurate picture of how often your site is being visited is it?
Also, I know that one element of search engine rankings is how much traffic your site recieves. Is this ranking from a per day total or from a total traffic total?
How do I judge my website statistics?
%26gt;Also, I know that one element of search engine rankings is how much traffic your site receives. Is this ranking from a per day total or from a total traffic total?
This is a myth! Search engines do not take into account the number of times a site is visited when ranking the search results.
If they did every spammer in the world would have robotic software that simulated human searches and clicked on their sites.
If you want to know what search engines do actually take into account when ranking the search results read through this tutorial http://www.seo-blog.com/tutorial.php
As far as site statistics go 'unique visitors' is only part of the story. What site owners actually need is visitors who 'convert'.
Every website has a purpose, sell a product, sign up for a news letter, fill in a form etc., etc. The ratio of visitors to actions is called the 'conversion ratio' and this is what needs to be maximized.
Google Analytics http://www.google.com/analytics/ is much better than Awstats and allows you to 'tag' goals and measure the conversion rate.
I suggest you sign up for Google Analytics (it's free) and monitor your site's visitors that way.
Reply:Judge your web stats by another parameter - does your website performs well for you? Does it fulfill it aim? Sales? Brand awareness? Info?
If you get leads and in queries about your product consider all your hits as a quality hits, if not - probably you don't know what all this circus is about and better find someone who can lead you.
Reply:Hits really doesn't tell you much: if a web page (not site, just a single page) contains 5 images, each visit to that page will count as 5 (one per image) + 1 (the page) hits. Your competitors may be talking about visits (or not), without knowing the difference.
Actually, the Search Engines do not take into account (to the best of my understanding) traffic. The factors that count are:
-Relevance of your site for the particular keyword/phrase being searched.
-Quantity and quality of links back to your site for that same keyword/phrase.
This is a very broad topic, but in general you can find most of the answers to your analytics-related questions in the book Google Analytics (link below).
Also, I know that one element of search engine rankings is how much traffic your site recieves. Is this ranking from a per day total or from a total traffic total?
How do I judge my website statistics?
%26gt;Also, I know that one element of search engine rankings is how much traffic your site receives. Is this ranking from a per day total or from a total traffic total?
This is a myth! Search engines do not take into account the number of times a site is visited when ranking the search results.
If they did every spammer in the world would have robotic software that simulated human searches and clicked on their sites.
If you want to know what search engines do actually take into account when ranking the search results read through this tutorial http://www.seo-blog.com/tutorial.php
As far as site statistics go 'unique visitors' is only part of the story. What site owners actually need is visitors who 'convert'.
Every website has a purpose, sell a product, sign up for a news letter, fill in a form etc., etc. The ratio of visitors to actions is called the 'conversion ratio' and this is what needs to be maximized.
Google Analytics http://www.google.com/analytics/ is much better than Awstats and allows you to 'tag' goals and measure the conversion rate.
I suggest you sign up for Google Analytics (it's free) and monitor your site's visitors that way.
Reply:Judge your web stats by another parameter - does your website performs well for you? Does it fulfill it aim? Sales? Brand awareness? Info?
If you get leads and in queries about your product consider all your hits as a quality hits, if not - probably you don't know what all this circus is about and better find someone who can lead you.
Reply:Hits really doesn't tell you much: if a web page (not site, just a single page) contains 5 images, each visit to that page will count as 5 (one per image) + 1 (the page) hits. Your competitors may be talking about visits (or not), without knowing the difference.
Actually, the Search Engines do not take into account (to the best of my understanding) traffic. The factors that count are:
-Relevance of your site for the particular keyword/phrase being searched.
-Quantity and quality of links back to your site for that same keyword/phrase.
This is a very broad topic, but in general you can find most of the answers to your analytics-related questions in the book Google Analytics (link below).
Any ideas on how to find statistics on how many customers are satisfied with the service they received?
I'm trying to do a project for school and I need to find some statistics on how many people's Cust. Serv. issues are actually resolved.
Any ideas on how to find statistics on how many customers are satisfied with the service they received?
Cosumer poll statiscital generator program
dr teeth
Any ideas on how to find statistics on how many customers are satisfied with the service they received?
Cosumer poll statiscital generator program
dr teeth
How does psychology realates with statistics?
What is it that we used statistics and what are the methods?
How does psychology realates with statistics?
The heart of psychology is statistics. Psychological research is done using certain methodologies and statistics. Psychology is all about showing relationships between variables, so we can predict future behaviors. Psychologists do research in graduate school, and some for their careers. Even doing surveys and questionnaires about people's opinions and attitudes involves the use of statistics, as does all psychological testings. Tests are created using statistics ensuring they are valid and reliable. There are many methods and many statistical tests....e.g. case studies, experimental laboratory research, questionnaires, etc. How data is collected determines what type of statistic is used.
(college psych prof)
Reply:Statistics for the behavioral sciences helps you interpret research data. Psych research must be accurate to .05 percentile and medical stats must be accurate to .01 percentile.
How does psychology realates with statistics?
The heart of psychology is statistics. Psychological research is done using certain methodologies and statistics. Psychology is all about showing relationships between variables, so we can predict future behaviors. Psychologists do research in graduate school, and some for their careers. Even doing surveys and questionnaires about people's opinions and attitudes involves the use of statistics, as does all psychological testings. Tests are created using statistics ensuring they are valid and reliable. There are many methods and many statistical tests....e.g. case studies, experimental laboratory research, questionnaires, etc. How data is collected determines what type of statistic is used.
(college psych prof)
Reply:Statistics for the behavioral sciences helps you interpret research data. Psych research must be accurate to .05 percentile and medical stats must be accurate to .01 percentile.
Where can I find good statistics about gun accidents?
I need to find reliable, good information about current gun laws detailing gun ownership and gun buying and the extent of gun accidents in statistics.
Where can I find good statistics about gun accidents?
Hello Mac. Believe it or not, contact the NRA. They will give you all information from both sides of the coin regarding weapons accidents, statistics and laws thoughout the USA.
Best of luck and I hope this is useful to you
Where can I find good statistics about gun accidents?
Hello Mac. Believe it or not, contact the NRA. They will give you all information from both sides of the coin regarding weapons accidents, statistics and laws thoughout the USA.
Best of luck and I hope this is useful to you
Can anyone give me some statistics and good info sources for the war in Iraq?
I am writing a report on the war. I am looking for some good sources, to help me out. I could use any statistics for the war to throw in. Thanks to anyone who helps.
Can anyone give me some statistics and good info sources for the war in Iraq?
Any and all 'good' sources are murdered by the Zionists that are controlling Iraq right now. The mainstream media is full of lying Israeli agents that want to convince Americans that the war is just going great, and all of the Iraqis are pleased that the troops are there. Yeah right.
Just believe the opposite of what you read in the Zionist-controlled mainstream media. Israel has a heavy agenda in this phony "global war on terror" business.
Reply:There was 10 of are men that died and 6 others just died and before my uncle left the air force he went over there and fought for ar ecountry and almost died he said it was nasty over there and that are men shouldn't have been sent over there. Trust me who ever is over there now I think they can handle it.
Can anyone give me some statistics and good info sources for the war in Iraq?
Any and all 'good' sources are murdered by the Zionists that are controlling Iraq right now. The mainstream media is full of lying Israeli agents that want to convince Americans that the war is just going great, and all of the Iraqis are pleased that the troops are there. Yeah right.
Just believe the opposite of what you read in the Zionist-controlled mainstream media. Israel has a heavy agenda in this phony "global war on terror" business.
Reply:There was 10 of are men that died and 6 others just died and before my uncle left the air force he went over there and fought for ar ecountry and almost died he said it was nasty over there and that are men shouldn't have been sent over there. Trust me who ever is over there now I think they can handle it.
Do I need to have a great understanding for calculus for the MCAT, or is Statistics enough?
I going to be a sophomore next year aiming to go to med school. I am a kinesiology major and that requires Statistics, I was wondering if taking Statistics will hurt me on the MCAT?
Do I need to have a great understanding for calculus for the MCAT, or is Statistics enough?
Hurt you? Any mathematical knowledge at all will help you on the physics portion at least, if not in the more analytical chemistry areas. I'm a Bio major and had the choice between 4 levels of math to Calculus or 2 to Stats with Social Science applications....so I jumped on the stats.
Basically, Stats won't hurt you, its just another necessary step. Make freakin' sure you have OrgChem and Physics though, those are wicked important.
braces for teeth
Do I need to have a great understanding for calculus for the MCAT, or is Statistics enough?
Hurt you? Any mathematical knowledge at all will help you on the physics portion at least, if not in the more analytical chemistry areas. I'm a Bio major and had the choice between 4 levels of math to Calculus or 2 to Stats with Social Science applications....so I jumped on the stats.
Basically, Stats won't hurt you, its just another necessary step. Make freakin' sure you have OrgChem and Physics though, those are wicked important.
braces for teeth
Where can i get statistics on how much energy a hybrid car saves?
i need to know how much energy a hybrid car saves.... i need it in statistics!!!
Where can i get statistics on how much energy a hybrid car saves?
i'm not sure but try, http://www.statistics.gov.uk/
Reply:Thank-you. Hope it was any good. Report Abuse
Reply:I have no statistitic just have a Toyota Prius its nice car which smell fuel and doesn`t want to eat fuel
Reply:Unfortunately, hybrid cars don't, in general, get better gas mileage than gas-only cars.
The only statistic I could find was that a hybrid car will usually get only 60% of its estimated MPG under normal driving conditions. Some hybrid cars actually have slightly worse gas mileage than their non-hybrid counterparts.
It looks a lot like hybrid cars are just another marketing gimmick. I don't think the automotive industry is really interested in creating cars that use fuel more efficiently.
Where can i get statistics on how much energy a hybrid car saves?
i'm not sure but try, http://www.statistics.gov.uk/
Reply:Thank-you. Hope it was any good. Report Abuse
Reply:I have no statistitic just have a Toyota Prius its nice car which smell fuel and doesn`t want to eat fuel
Reply:Unfortunately, hybrid cars don't, in general, get better gas mileage than gas-only cars.
The only statistic I could find was that a hybrid car will usually get only 60% of its estimated MPG under normal driving conditions. Some hybrid cars actually have slightly worse gas mileage than their non-hybrid counterparts.
It looks a lot like hybrid cars are just another marketing gimmick. I don't think the automotive industry is really interested in creating cars that use fuel more efficiently.
How can I find statistics on how many people cook?
I am doing a statistics project on cooking in U.S. households. I was wondering how many married women there are in the U.S. and how many of them cook for their families regularly. Any kind of surveys, graphs, charts or statistical data on this would help me greatly.
Thank You
How can I find statistics on how many people cook?
go to google.com or Yahoo.com and type in your Question and I am sure something will come up for you.Good Luck
teeth grinding guard
Thank You
How can I find statistics on how many people cook?
go to google.com or Yahoo.com and type in your Question and I am sure something will come up for you.Good Luck
teeth grinding guard
Where can I find statistics of public libraries?
Where can I find statistics of public libraries, such as the numbers of public libraries, the number of collection?
Where can I find statistics of public libraries?
Try the American Library Association.
Reply:The National Center for Education Statistics collects these types of statistics for the US. See http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/libraries/pub...
Where can I find statistics of public libraries?
Try the American Library Association.
Reply:The National Center for Education Statistics collects these types of statistics for the US. See http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/libraries/pub...
Where could I find statistics to use in an assignment?
I have to write a speech about binge drinking and drink driving, but need to include statistics. Help!
Where could I find statistics to use in an assignment?
A government site:
Reply:Drunk Driving Statistics:
Approximately 18 million Americans—8.5 percent of the population—meet the diagnostic criteria for alcohol abuse or alcoholism.
In 2006, the average age at first alcohol use among recent initiates aged 12 to 49 was 16.6 years. This is earlier than any other drug except inhalants. [ref.]
Those who have their first drink prior to age 19 are significantly more likely to become alcohol dependent, to drive after drinking, and to sustain injuries that required medical attention than those who did not drink before age 19. Those who first drank at younger ages believe they could consume more drinks and still drive safely and legally. [ref.]
Traffic crashes are the number one killer of teens(15-20 year old) and 31% of teen traffic deaths are alcohol-related. [ref.]
The crash risk associated with driving after drinking across all blood alcohol content levels is higher for underage drinkers than for adults.
In 2004, during weekends around prom, graduation, and homecoming, 47% of traffic crash fatalities of 15-20 year olds were alcohol-related. Of these alcohol-related fatalities, 69% involved a 15-20 year old driver with alcohol in his/her system.
In 2005, 1,789 people were killed in alcohol-related traffic crashes involving an underage drinking driver. [ref.]
About one-third of all drivers arrested or convicted of driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence of alcohol are repeat offenders.
source and more info here:
and here:
Binge Drinking:
Binge drinking is a common pattern of excessive alcohol use in the United States. The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines binge drinking as a pattern of drinking that brings a person’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0.08 grams percent or above. This typically happens when men consume 5 or more drinks, and when women consume 4 or more drinks, in about 2 hours (1).
Most people who binge drink are not alcohol dependent.
According to national surveys:
Approximately 92% of US adults who drink excessively report binge drinking in the past 30 days (2).
Although college students commonly binge drink, 70% of binge drinking episodes involve adults over age 25 (3).
The rate of binge drinking among men is 2 times the rate of women (4).
Binge drinkers are 14 times more likely to report alcohol-impaired driving than non-binge drinkers (3).
About 90% of the alcohol consumed by youth under the age of 21 in the United States is in the form of binge drinks (5).
About 75% of the alcohol consumed by adults in the United States is in the form of binge drinks (5).
The proportion of current drinkers that binge is highest in the 18 to 20 year old groups (51%) (3).
Binge drinking is associated with many health problems, including but not limited to
Unintentional injuries (e.g. car crash, falls, burns, drowning).
Intentional injuries (e.g. firearm injuries, sexual assault, domestic violence).
Alcohol poisoning.
Sexually transmitted diseases.
Unintended pregnancy.
Children born with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.
High blood pressure, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases.
Liver disease.
Neurological damage.
Sexual dysfunction.
Poor control of diabetes.
source and more info here:
Binge drinking can be dangerous and result in vomiting, loss of sensory perception and blackouts. What exactly is binge drinking? How much alcohol is too much? These articles give the details.
source and more info here:
Where could I find statistics to use in an assignment?
A government site:
Reply:Drunk Driving Statistics:
Approximately 18 million Americans—8.5 percent of the population—meet the diagnostic criteria for alcohol abuse or alcoholism.
In 2006, the average age at first alcohol use among recent initiates aged 12 to 49 was 16.6 years. This is earlier than any other drug except inhalants. [ref.]
Those who have their first drink prior to age 19 are significantly more likely to become alcohol dependent, to drive after drinking, and to sustain injuries that required medical attention than those who did not drink before age 19. Those who first drank at younger ages believe they could consume more drinks and still drive safely and legally. [ref.]
Traffic crashes are the number one killer of teens(15-20 year old) and 31% of teen traffic deaths are alcohol-related. [ref.]
The crash risk associated with driving after drinking across all blood alcohol content levels is higher for underage drinkers than for adults.
In 2004, during weekends around prom, graduation, and homecoming, 47% of traffic crash fatalities of 15-20 year olds were alcohol-related. Of these alcohol-related fatalities, 69% involved a 15-20 year old driver with alcohol in his/her system.
In 2005, 1,789 people were killed in alcohol-related traffic crashes involving an underage drinking driver. [ref.]
About one-third of all drivers arrested or convicted of driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence of alcohol are repeat offenders.
source and more info here:
and here:
Binge Drinking:
Binge drinking is a common pattern of excessive alcohol use in the United States. The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines binge drinking as a pattern of drinking that brings a person’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0.08 grams percent or above. This typically happens when men consume 5 or more drinks, and when women consume 4 or more drinks, in about 2 hours (1).
Most people who binge drink are not alcohol dependent.
According to national surveys:
Approximately 92% of US adults who drink excessively report binge drinking in the past 30 days (2).
Although college students commonly binge drink, 70% of binge drinking episodes involve adults over age 25 (3).
The rate of binge drinking among men is 2 times the rate of women (4).
Binge drinkers are 14 times more likely to report alcohol-impaired driving than non-binge drinkers (3).
About 90% of the alcohol consumed by youth under the age of 21 in the United States is in the form of binge drinks (5).
About 75% of the alcohol consumed by adults in the United States is in the form of binge drinks (5).
The proportion of current drinkers that binge is highest in the 18 to 20 year old groups (51%) (3).
Binge drinking is associated with many health problems, including but not limited to
Unintentional injuries (e.g. car crash, falls, burns, drowning).
Intentional injuries (e.g. firearm injuries, sexual assault, domestic violence).
Alcohol poisoning.
Sexually transmitted diseases.
Unintended pregnancy.
Children born with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.
High blood pressure, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases.
Liver disease.
Neurological damage.
Sexual dysfunction.
Poor control of diabetes.
source and more info here:
Binge drinking can be dangerous and result in vomiting, loss of sensory perception and blackouts. What exactly is binge drinking? How much alcohol is too much? These articles give the details.
source and more info here:
What website will list both retired and active player NFL statistics?
I'm looking for career statistics of both retired and active players current to at least the end of the 2006 season.
What website will list both retired and active player NFL statistics?
type it in google
Reply:Football Reference:
Has every stat u need.
Reply:nfl.com or you could just google your question.
Reply:NFL.com or ESPN
Reply:type that question on google!!!
What website will list both retired and active player NFL statistics?
type it in google
Reply:Football Reference:
Has every stat u need.
Reply:nfl.com or you could just google your question.
Reply:NFL.com or ESPN
Reply:type that question on google!!!
I need to find a website where I can find statistics on teen suicide and cutting or self mutalation?
Hi my name is Jessica and I am the Drama leader at my church. My youth are doing a drama and I need to find some statistics on cutters (young people who cut themselves to relieve different things they may be going thru) and suicide. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you and may God bless you!
I need to find a website where I can find statistics on teen suicide and cutting or self mutalation?
Very easilly done here you go:
Reply:are you kidding? go to google and type in "statistics teen suicide self mutalation"
I need to find a website where I can find statistics on teen suicide and cutting or self mutalation?
Very easilly done here you go:
Reply:are you kidding? go to google and type in "statistics teen suicide self mutalation"
Where can I find statistics child violence and camping?
I need surveys or statistics that prove that spending time with your children decreases the chances of violence?
Where can I find statistics child violence and camping?
internet. and child and parental psychology books and guides.
Where can I find statistics child violence and camping?
internet. and child and parental psychology books and guides.
Where are accessible statistics on the web to back up the Global Warming theory?
I'm looking for detailed statistics. Yearly and /or monthly temperatures for major North American cities over a period of at least a century would be a good start.
Where are accessible statistics on the web to back up the Global Warming theory?
The problem with global warming is that when compared to the earth's history it's a cycle. At the same time, the earth has gone through several cooling (glacial periods). Combining the two makes it a hot debate at this current point. There is no doubt that humans have increased consumption of resources and placed more global-warming gasses than previous generations. However, it can be difficult to discern what is natural and what is actual human based on these cycles. Below are a list of sites that you may view. They take consideration of ice-cores, vegetation change, tree rings, sea and salt levels, and other factors that revolve around the study of our climatic history or (paleoclimatology)
Reply:This is a good question. One excellent place to begin is your local newspaper or if you wish you can go on-line to the Washington Post.com or New York times or other papers and use their archive search features using global warming as a keyword. This will give you everything that has been printed in the paper for whatever period of time you specify. In these articles you will find references to the most current research results, who the researchers are, where their results have been published, and so on. You can then retrieve the original publications through your local library. I heartily recommend this approach over a reliance on doing a web search alone. All too often what we find on the web is not well documented, incorrect citations, and questionable conclusions. I would go to the web only to do the newspaper archive search.
In conducting a similar search the other day on a similar question I dialed up washingtonpost.com, went to the bottom of the page, and typed in "global climate change" in the search box. The search came back with 161 results in the past 60 days alone together with short abstracts on each article. You may click on any of these to retrieve the entire article. This is a quick and honest way to do your research and it will be easy to document, with dates, authors, article names, and newspaper.
Where are accessible statistics on the web to back up the Global Warming theory?
The problem with global warming is that when compared to the earth's history it's a cycle. At the same time, the earth has gone through several cooling (glacial periods). Combining the two makes it a hot debate at this current point. There is no doubt that humans have increased consumption of resources and placed more global-warming gasses than previous generations. However, it can be difficult to discern what is natural and what is actual human based on these cycles. Below are a list of sites that you may view. They take consideration of ice-cores, vegetation change, tree rings, sea and salt levels, and other factors that revolve around the study of our climatic history or (paleoclimatology)
Reply:This is a good question. One excellent place to begin is your local newspaper or if you wish you can go on-line to the Washington Post.com or New York times or other papers and use their archive search features using global warming as a keyword. This will give you everything that has been printed in the paper for whatever period of time you specify. In these articles you will find references to the most current research results, who the researchers are, where their results have been published, and so on. You can then retrieve the original publications through your local library. I heartily recommend this approach over a reliance on doing a web search alone. All too often what we find on the web is not well documented, incorrect citations, and questionable conclusions. I would go to the web only to do the newspaper archive search.
In conducting a similar search the other day on a similar question I dialed up washingtonpost.com, went to the bottom of the page, and typed in "global climate change" in the search box. The search came back with 161 results in the past 60 days alone together with short abstracts on each article. You may click on any of these to retrieve the entire article. This is a quick and honest way to do your research and it will be easy to document, with dates, authors, article names, and newspaper.
Are there any (credible) sites where I can find statistics on car accidents?
I am looking for nationwide statistics, or if that's not possible, the state of California.
Stuff such as how many accidents we had last year, and the most common causes of car accidents. I know the causes are obvious, but I'm looking for a site that has percentages.
Are there any (credible) sites where I can find statistics on car accidents?
Check the Department of Transportation. Also, your state highway department.
Stuff such as how many accidents we had last year, and the most common causes of car accidents. I know the causes are obvious, but I'm looking for a site that has percentages.
Are there any (credible) sites where I can find statistics on car accidents?
Check the Department of Transportation. Also, your state highway department.
Anyone know the statistics of Birth Control linking to any type of Cancer?
Anyone know the statistics of Birth Control linking to any type of Cancer?
I’m worried since Birth Control is a hormone and all, and on both sides of the family I have like every cancer you can think of heredity wise. Will taking Birth Control heighten my risk for Breast or Cervical Cancer or any type of cancer for that matter? My Aunt on my Mom’s side has had Cancers around her female part, and has had Breast Cancer like 3 times. My grandma on my Dad’s side had Breast Cancer, and then died from some other odd cancer (probably from all the chemo from treating the Breast Cancer). This is a big concern of mine and is why I’ve tried avoiding taking Birth Control for so long. Please give me some hard evidence to prove or disprove so I know if I’ve made a major mistake or not.
Anyone know the statistics of Birth Control linking to any type of Cancer?
My answer is this...the success rate of birth control pills is measured in a way that you probably wouldn't expect. It is measured by comparing the number of deaths in women caused by taking birth control to the number of deaths in women caused by becoming pregnant.
Reply:I would recommend Mirena. Its chemical free! And that's what I use... Check this site out and also talk with your Dr. I donot know if you have kids or not but with Mirena, you have to have at least one child to be eligible for it. www.mirena.com
Reply:I don't have stats but it seems these days everything is related to cancer.that's why there's no cure.think about it if there was a cure for cancer can you imagine how many people would still be populating this planet.I think if they can come up with all the meds and technology these days, how is it possible that they can actually prolong your life for a few years. but to cure it is impossible GIVE ME A BREAK! My point is there's no money in the cure.the money is in the medicine and who do you think benefits from that.
Reply:Background and Importance of the study: Oral contraceptives —also known as birth control pills or just "the pill"—are the second most popular method of birth control in the United States after sterilization.
Birth control pills are very effective at preventing unwanted pregnancy. Past research has also shown that the pill helps protect women against ovarian and uterine cancer. Yet many women have long feared that birth control pills pose health risks, including an increase in the risk of breast cancer.
Now a large, well-designed study provides solid evidence that birth control pills do NOT increase the risk of breast cancer. This finding is true even in women who have taken the pill for a long time and for women with a family history of breast cancer.
The study showed no increase in breast cancer risk even among women who started using the pill when they were young. This is important because large numbers of American women who took birth control pills years ago are now reaching the age when breast cancer risk increases. For these women, it is reassuring to know that having taken the pill will not add to their breast cancer risk.
Birth Control Pill Raises Cervical Cancer Risk in HPV Infected Women
Woman with the human papilloma virus (HPV), using birth control pills increase the risk of cervical cancer up to four times, according to a study published in the noted medical journal: The Lancet in March 2002. The study was conducted by the World Health Organization.
The findings were based on data from eight different studies that included 3,769 women from four continents. 1,853 had cancer and 1,916 did not. Nearly all the woman were infected with HPV. The researchers made adjustments based on the participant's education, sexual activity and history, age and geographic location.
The study showed that woman who used birth control pills for less than 5 years were not at any more risk of cervical cancer in women than women who had never taken oral contraceptives.
However, the study showed that women who used birth control pills for between 5 -9 years were three times more likely to get cervical cancer. Woman using birth control pills for more than 10 years were four times more likely to get cancer. The study concludes:
"Long-term use of oral contraceptives could be a cofactor that increases the risk of cervical carcinoma by up to fourfold in women who are positive for cervical HPV DNA."
HPV, human papilloma virus is a common sexually transmitted disease that has been linked to an increased risk of cervical cancer. The virus causes warts and lesions. In a study done in the late 1980's researchers identified HPV as a risk factor for cervical cancer. There are 12,900 cases of cervical cancer in the US each years and 4,400 woman die of it. After breast cancer, it is the second most common form of cancer found in woman.
Hormonal factors are very important in the development of breast cancer. The amount and duration of estrogen exposure seems to be the key issue. The younger a woman is when she has her first period, and the older she is when she stops having periods, the more likely she is to develop breast cancer. If the ovaries are removed early, for any reason, estrogen levels drop, and the risk of breast cancer drops greatly (other problems, of course, get worse).
Since your own hormones have an impact on the development of this disease, it makes sense that taking hormone pills, particularly estrogen containing pills, might also have an impact. Studies looking into this have had conflicting results. One of the reasons for this is that cancer takes a long time to develop. By the time a breast lump can be felt, the cancer has usually been there for about ten years. Birth control pills have changed quite a bit over the last decades. Earlier pills contained much more estrogen than those used today. Both the amount of estrogen and the proportion of estrogen to progesterone in the pills have changed. Any long term look at the effect of birth control pills is going to be influenced by the variety of different pill formulations that have been used.
Dr. Leslie Bernstein, et al., looked at many studies, some showing a risk from birth control pills, others showing no risk at all. They did a careful meta-analysis of all the data and concluded that the risk of breast cancer does increase with prolonged use of the pill. (Relationship of hormone use to cancer risk. Monograph of the National Cancer Institute 12:137 1992). At 120 months or ten years of use the relative risk was 1.38. These women were 1.38 times as likely to get breast cancer as those who had not used the pill.
This does not mean that you shouldn't use the pill. There are clearly many benefits. Some studies even show that the pill may reduce the risk of ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer. There is even a synthetic progesterone formulation that might someday reduce the risk of breast cancer (Colletta, et al., The growth inhibition of human breast cancer cells by a novel synthetic progestin. Journal of Clinical Investigation 87:277 1991).
The primary concern is for women who start their period before age eleven. These women also begin having regular periods much faster. Someone who has gone through precocious puberty, and whose estrogen exposure is already going to be high, should be aware of the situation before deciding upon the pill. Prolonged use of estrogen containing pills is more likely to harm this subgroup of women.
The long term effect of the current pill formulations are complex and will not be fully sorted out for years to come. Any decision to use birth control pills should be made in light of a woman's total health, including her other risk factors and the impact of an unwanted pregnancy.
There is a new cervical cancer vaccine out in Australia so look into that it costs $400 so thats about $250 US
This is some stuff i found on the net i am a male and have history of prostate cancer in my family so i am concerned also. Hope thats not too much of an information overload, keep well : )
tooth bleaching
I’m worried since Birth Control is a hormone and all, and on both sides of the family I have like every cancer you can think of heredity wise. Will taking Birth Control heighten my risk for Breast or Cervical Cancer or any type of cancer for that matter? My Aunt on my Mom’s side has had Cancers around her female part, and has had Breast Cancer like 3 times. My grandma on my Dad’s side had Breast Cancer, and then died from some other odd cancer (probably from all the chemo from treating the Breast Cancer). This is a big concern of mine and is why I’ve tried avoiding taking Birth Control for so long. Please give me some hard evidence to prove or disprove so I know if I’ve made a major mistake or not.
Anyone know the statistics of Birth Control linking to any type of Cancer?
My answer is this...the success rate of birth control pills is measured in a way that you probably wouldn't expect. It is measured by comparing the number of deaths in women caused by taking birth control to the number of deaths in women caused by becoming pregnant.
Reply:I would recommend Mirena. Its chemical free! And that's what I use... Check this site out and also talk with your Dr. I donot know if you have kids or not but with Mirena, you have to have at least one child to be eligible for it. www.mirena.com
Reply:I don't have stats but it seems these days everything is related to cancer.that's why there's no cure.think about it if there was a cure for cancer can you imagine how many people would still be populating this planet.I think if they can come up with all the meds and technology these days, how is it possible that they can actually prolong your life for a few years. but to cure it is impossible GIVE ME A BREAK! My point is there's no money in the cure.the money is in the medicine and who do you think benefits from that.
Reply:Background and Importance of the study: Oral contraceptives —also known as birth control pills or just "the pill"—are the second most popular method of birth control in the United States after sterilization.
Birth control pills are very effective at preventing unwanted pregnancy. Past research has also shown that the pill helps protect women against ovarian and uterine cancer. Yet many women have long feared that birth control pills pose health risks, including an increase in the risk of breast cancer.
Now a large, well-designed study provides solid evidence that birth control pills do NOT increase the risk of breast cancer. This finding is true even in women who have taken the pill for a long time and for women with a family history of breast cancer.
The study showed no increase in breast cancer risk even among women who started using the pill when they were young. This is important because large numbers of American women who took birth control pills years ago are now reaching the age when breast cancer risk increases. For these women, it is reassuring to know that having taken the pill will not add to their breast cancer risk.
Birth Control Pill Raises Cervical Cancer Risk in HPV Infected Women
Woman with the human papilloma virus (HPV), using birth control pills increase the risk of cervical cancer up to four times, according to a study published in the noted medical journal: The Lancet in March 2002. The study was conducted by the World Health Organization.
The findings were based on data from eight different studies that included 3,769 women from four continents. 1,853 had cancer and 1,916 did not. Nearly all the woman were infected with HPV. The researchers made adjustments based on the participant's education, sexual activity and history, age and geographic location.
The study showed that woman who used birth control pills for less than 5 years were not at any more risk of cervical cancer in women than women who had never taken oral contraceptives.
However, the study showed that women who used birth control pills for between 5 -9 years were three times more likely to get cervical cancer. Woman using birth control pills for more than 10 years were four times more likely to get cancer. The study concludes:
"Long-term use of oral contraceptives could be a cofactor that increases the risk of cervical carcinoma by up to fourfold in women who are positive for cervical HPV DNA."
HPV, human papilloma virus is a common sexually transmitted disease that has been linked to an increased risk of cervical cancer. The virus causes warts and lesions. In a study done in the late 1980's researchers identified HPV as a risk factor for cervical cancer. There are 12,900 cases of cervical cancer in the US each years and 4,400 woman die of it. After breast cancer, it is the second most common form of cancer found in woman.
Hormonal factors are very important in the development of breast cancer. The amount and duration of estrogen exposure seems to be the key issue. The younger a woman is when she has her first period, and the older she is when she stops having periods, the more likely she is to develop breast cancer. If the ovaries are removed early, for any reason, estrogen levels drop, and the risk of breast cancer drops greatly (other problems, of course, get worse).
Since your own hormones have an impact on the development of this disease, it makes sense that taking hormone pills, particularly estrogen containing pills, might also have an impact. Studies looking into this have had conflicting results. One of the reasons for this is that cancer takes a long time to develop. By the time a breast lump can be felt, the cancer has usually been there for about ten years. Birth control pills have changed quite a bit over the last decades. Earlier pills contained much more estrogen than those used today. Both the amount of estrogen and the proportion of estrogen to progesterone in the pills have changed. Any long term look at the effect of birth control pills is going to be influenced by the variety of different pill formulations that have been used.
Dr. Leslie Bernstein, et al., looked at many studies, some showing a risk from birth control pills, others showing no risk at all. They did a careful meta-analysis of all the data and concluded that the risk of breast cancer does increase with prolonged use of the pill. (Relationship of hormone use to cancer risk. Monograph of the National Cancer Institute 12:137 1992). At 120 months or ten years of use the relative risk was 1.38. These women were 1.38 times as likely to get breast cancer as those who had not used the pill.
This does not mean that you shouldn't use the pill. There are clearly many benefits. Some studies even show that the pill may reduce the risk of ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer. There is even a synthetic progesterone formulation that might someday reduce the risk of breast cancer (Colletta, et al., The growth inhibition of human breast cancer cells by a novel synthetic progestin. Journal of Clinical Investigation 87:277 1991).
The primary concern is for women who start their period before age eleven. These women also begin having regular periods much faster. Someone who has gone through precocious puberty, and whose estrogen exposure is already going to be high, should be aware of the situation before deciding upon the pill. Prolonged use of estrogen containing pills is more likely to harm this subgroup of women.
The long term effect of the current pill formulations are complex and will not be fully sorted out for years to come. Any decision to use birth control pills should be made in light of a woman's total health, including her other risk factors and the impact of an unwanted pregnancy.
There is a new cervical cancer vaccine out in Australia so look into that it costs $400 so thats about $250 US
This is some stuff i found on the net i am a male and have history of prostate cancer in my family so i am concerned also. Hope thats not too much of an information overload, keep well : )
tooth bleaching
What are the statistics regarding teens and drugs?
In general, what are the statistics of teens using drugs just in general? One in four use drugs, one in three, what is it? I'm having difficulties finding it.
Thanks in advance
What are the statistics regarding teens and drugs?
Thanks in advance
What are the statistics regarding teens and drugs?
What is the difference between relative measure and absolute measure when comparing population statistics?
uhh. yeah read the title. it has something to do with geography.
the test outline had this little section that said.
-be able to distinguish between "absolute measure" and "relative measure"
when comparing population statistics
and i have no clue what it means :(
it's grade nine geography, if that helps. :/
What is the difference between relative measure and absolute measure when comparing population statistics?
absolute measures are numbers with units. example there are 515 farms in state B, there are 51500 farms in the united states.
relative measures are percentages. e.g. 1% of farms in the United states are in state B.
the test outline had this little section that said.
-be able to distinguish between "absolute measure" and "relative measure"
when comparing population statistics
and i have no clue what it means :(
it's grade nine geography, if that helps. :/
What is the difference between relative measure and absolute measure when comparing population statistics?
absolute measures are numbers with units. example there are 515 farms in state B, there are 51500 farms in the united states.
relative measures are percentages. e.g. 1% of farms in the United states are in state B.
What are the statistics regarding teens and drugs?
In general, what are the statistics of teens using drugs just in general? One in four use drugs, one in three, what is it? I'm having difficulties finding it.
Thanks in advance
What are the statistics regarding teens and drugs?
Thanks in advance
What are the statistics regarding teens and drugs?
Where can you find skid mark statistics?
I have been looking everywhere for skid mark statistics for the past year or whenever. Im going to court and the only way i can prove my innocence is by presenting skid mark statistics. Does anybody know where to find them?
Where can you find skid mark statistics?
The simplest formula to discuss and utilize is that of : The square root of 30df. What this equation states is that the square root of the sum of: 30 x d x f will equal the vehicle's speed calculated from skid marks. What this means is that the formula calculates a vehicle's speed if it had skidded to a stop without striking anything. This formula, when used properly, will determine a vehicle's minimum speed in order to skid the given distance without taking into account the speed of the vehicle at impact.
Reply:Skid mark data is used in accident reconstruction by experts who use the algerbraic formulas that go with the training to determine speed,braking distance etc.....how you could find these formula is another question and I am sorry I dont have that answer...maybe you could try researching accident reconstruction and see what pops up?
Reply:Laundry Basket !!
have perfect teeth
Where can you find skid mark statistics?
The simplest formula to discuss and utilize is that of : The square root of 30df. What this equation states is that the square root of the sum of: 30 x d x f will equal the vehicle's speed calculated from skid marks. What this means is that the formula calculates a vehicle's speed if it had skidded to a stop without striking anything. This formula, when used properly, will determine a vehicle's minimum speed in order to skid the given distance without taking into account the speed of the vehicle at impact.
Reply:Skid mark data is used in accident reconstruction by experts who use the algerbraic formulas that go with the training to determine speed,braking distance etc.....how you could find these formula is another question and I am sorry I dont have that answer...maybe you could try researching accident reconstruction and see what pops up?
Reply:Laundry Basket !!
have perfect teeth
What could I do with a Major in Statistics?
I have a few scattered interests, like anthropology, psychology, and statistics. I am currently majoring in Statistics and am wondering what some career possibilities are.. and also what some good minors would be. I'm not particularly interested in business.
What sciences heavily use statistics?
What could I do with a Major in Statistics?
Research. Everything from animal, vegetable, mineral. Everything in this whole world is measured. What things and environments do you like to be in? criminal investigation? rocket science? zoology? sociology? stock market? actuaries? sports? weather? psychology? psychiatry? oceanography (would you like to live in Hawaii?)? agriculture?
What things and environments do you like the most? What are your other interests besides statistics? List them all and maybe there's one field where all of them (or many of them) could come together.
The world is your oyster!
Reply:Thank you. And good luck on your next bend in the road. Report Abuse
Reply:die of boredom?
What sciences heavily use statistics?
What could I do with a Major in Statistics?
Research. Everything from animal, vegetable, mineral. Everything in this whole world is measured. What things and environments do you like to be in? criminal investigation? rocket science? zoology? sociology? stock market? actuaries? sports? weather? psychology? psychiatry? oceanography (would you like to live in Hawaii?)? agriculture?
What things and environments do you like the most? What are your other interests besides statistics? List them all and maybe there's one field where all of them (or many of them) could come together.
The world is your oyster!
Reply:Thank you. And good luck on your next bend in the road. Report Abuse
Reply:die of boredom?
Sources or data of unusual statistics about the United States?
I am looking for some unusual statistics measured in per second, minute, hour, or, less desirable, per year. Unusual statistics include such things as: babies born, cars sold, TV commercials viewed by the average person, bath tub deaths, etc.
The purpose for this information is to translate it into a Java-coded experimental clock. For example, during the course of an hour, one line will say "# Coca-Colas purchased" with # increasing accurately every second.
Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Sources or data of unusual statistics about the United States?
I don't have any right now but look up coke sales per year and then find the number per min or second for your code.
2.2 million skydives are made in one year by United States Parachute Association members
The purpose for this information is to translate it into a Java-coded experimental clock. For example, during the course of an hour, one line will say "# Coca-Colas purchased" with # increasing accurately every second.
Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Sources or data of unusual statistics about the United States?
I don't have any right now but look up coke sales per year and then find the number per min or second for your code.
2.2 million skydives are made in one year by United States Parachute Association members
Where might I find trust worthy sources for statistics concerning parents-teen relationships?
I am writing an essay on the impact of good,well formed,parent-teen relationships, and its link to adolescent psychological disorders/malfunctioning, violence, and suicide.
Where might I find links to statistics relating to the topics listed above?
Where might I find trust worthy sources for statistics concerning parents-teen relationships?
Your public library should be able to help you with this. Tell the librarian what you need, and she will look up the appropriate books and tell you where they can be found on the shelf.
Where might I find links to statistics relating to the topics listed above?
Where might I find trust worthy sources for statistics concerning parents-teen relationships?
Your public library should be able to help you with this. Tell the librarian what you need, and she will look up the appropriate books and tell you where they can be found on the shelf.
Is there a good Web site with a statistics course on it?
I'm talking about a fairly advanced (college level or greater) that would be like a correspondence course -- similar to what you'd learn if you took a class in graduate school. I'm particularly interested in statistics for the social sciences.
Is there a good Web site with a statistics course on it?
I teach statistics at a community college and use materials from these sites:
Many colleges offer Statistics classes for credit in an on-line environment.
Is there a good Web site with a statistics course on it?
I teach statistics at a community college and use materials from these sites:
Many colleges offer Statistics classes for credit in an on-line environment.
Wat are some good websites on dog biting statistics?
We will be a getting a dog in the near future for our family and wanted to know if there are any webstites on biting statistics. Thank you for your answers.
Wat are some good websites on dog biting statistics?
Here's a few:
Reply:here are some search results for "dog biting statistics"
Wat are some good websites on dog biting statistics?
Here's a few:
Reply:here are some search results for "dog biting statistics"
Anyone out there with a degree in Applied probability and statistics?
I'm trying to decide between a Master's in Computer Science and a Master's in Applied Probability and Statistics. I know people with degree's in Comp Sci -- how about the rest of you? Do you like your work? What kind of stuff do you get to work on? If I go the comp sci route, I have an idea of what my career options are, but I think probability and statistics might be a better fit. Thanks in advance for any help
Anyone out there with a degree in Applied probability and statistics?
My degree is not on it, but i could give you a hint of what u could do after obtaining it (as one of options)------%26gt;working in a health research place or pharmaceutical Co doing probability and stat analysis for their clinical trials ...the meta-analysis and Bayesian probability or just simply Bayesian stats are starting to take a firm position in the science world and not only, economics, decision making u name it....so there are many exiting things to do out there, i think
Anyone out there with a degree in Applied probability and statistics?
My degree is not on it, but i could give you a hint of what u could do after obtaining it (as one of options)------%26gt;working in a health research place or pharmaceutical Co doing probability and stat analysis for their clinical trials ...the meta-analysis and Bayesian probability or just simply Bayesian stats are starting to take a firm position in the science world and not only, economics, decision making u name it....so there are many exiting things to do out there, i think
Monday, November 16, 2009
What is the difference between relative measure and absolute measure when comparing population statistics?
uhh. yeah read the title. it has something to do with geography.
the test outline had this little section that said.
-be able to distinguish between "absolute measure" and "relative measure"
when comparing population statistics
and i have no clue what it means :(
it's grade nine geography, if that helps. :/
What is the difference between relative measure and absolute measure when comparing population statistics?
absolute measure is a number, e.g., 200,000 people live in CityTown USA.
relative measure is a percentage, e.g., 200,000 / 1,500,000 = 13.3% of State B's population live in CityTown.
Reply:relative measure is around the number it is
exact measure is the exact number of people
the test outline had this little section that said.
-be able to distinguish between "absolute measure" and "relative measure"
when comparing population statistics
and i have no clue what it means :(
it's grade nine geography, if that helps. :/
What is the difference between relative measure and absolute measure when comparing population statistics?
absolute measure is a number, e.g., 200,000 people live in CityTown USA.
relative measure is a percentage, e.g., 200,000 / 1,500,000 = 13.3% of State B's population live in CityTown.
Reply:relative measure is around the number it is
exact measure is the exact number of people
What is the acceptance rate into the statistics phd program at Boston University?
If you can post a website with the information, that's great.
If you can find the rate given that someone already has completed a masters in statistics, that's even better!
What is the acceptance rate into the statistics phd program at Boston University?
Schools rarely publish this kind of information.
The Mathematic and Statistics department graduated ten students last year. If we assume a 50% dropout rate, that would mean that they take in about 20 students per year. If we assume that 2/3 of those who get accepted enter the program, then they accept about 30 per year. I doubt that they get more than a hundred applications per year -- so that puts it at about 30% as a conservative estimate.
The only statistic that I can tell you for sure is the finance department at Berkeley. The year I applied, they had 250 applications, accepted nine and got six. The next year they had over three hundred applications, accepted four and got four. You can use this as a low band.
home teeth cleaning
If you can find the rate given that someone already has completed a masters in statistics, that's even better!
What is the acceptance rate into the statistics phd program at Boston University?
Schools rarely publish this kind of information.
The Mathematic and Statistics department graduated ten students last year. If we assume a 50% dropout rate, that would mean that they take in about 20 students per year. If we assume that 2/3 of those who get accepted enter the program, then they accept about 30 per year. I doubt that they get more than a hundred applications per year -- so that puts it at about 30% as a conservative estimate.
The only statistic that I can tell you for sure is the finance department at Berkeley. The year I applied, they had 250 applications, accepted nine and got six. The next year they had over three hundred applications, accepted four and got four. You can use this as a low band.
home teeth cleaning
Where can I get statistics about laxative abuse?
I am writing a paper about drug abuses and one of the drug categories that I am discusing is laxatives. However, I cant find statistics about prevelance, mortality, gender ratio, etc
where can I get statistics about laxative abuse?
Where can I get statistics about laxative abuse?
Reply:I have no idea--but I used to work with a girl that abused them. Sad really.
where can I get statistics about laxative abuse?
Where can I get statistics about laxative abuse?
Reply:I have no idea--but I used to work with a girl that abused them. Sad really.
Where do I get motor vehicle safety statistics?
I am looking for statistics to support my belief that it is safer to back into a parking space versus nosing in.
Where do I get motor vehicle safety statistics?
contact local highway patrol office or go there they will have or can get them
Reply:Good luck on that one. I don't know of anyplace that has parking safety statistics. You may get lucky though:
Reply:I know I may only have 5 years experience as a professional ticket and accident free truck driver but the thing I hear over and over again is only back up when it is necessary. Trucking companies spend more money on accidents going backwards than forwards. Now for automobiles I am going to assume that number is close to the same. Backing into a parking stall with cars on both sides is more riskier than pulling in forwards and backing out into a open space. It is unnecessary and pointless unless you are robbing a bank.
Where do I get motor vehicle safety statistics?
contact local highway patrol office or go there they will have or can get them
Reply:Good luck on that one. I don't know of anyplace that has parking safety statistics. You may get lucky though:
Reply:I know I may only have 5 years experience as a professional ticket and accident free truck driver but the thing I hear over and over again is only back up when it is necessary. Trucking companies spend more money on accidents going backwards than forwards. Now for automobiles I am going to assume that number is close to the same. Backing into a parking stall with cars on both sides is more riskier than pulling in forwards and backing out into a open space. It is unnecessary and pointless unless you are robbing a bank.
Where can I find free information on Gas Station Statistics?
Im in the process of putting a business plan together for gas station and I need gas station statistics. The only thing I can find when im looking for info is books to buy that have statistics.
What kind of sististics do i need for a business plan and where can I find the info?
Where can I find free information on Gas Station Statistics?
Here are two sites that will help. The first site is from the U.S. Census Bureau. It'll tell you how many stations there are by type, ownership and location. It also tells total revenues.
The second site is from Bizstats. It gives you typical normalized (percentage of revenue) income statements for gas stations. You should be able to use these statistics to put together a projected P%26amp;L for your enterprise. This is the centerpiece of your business plan.
Good luck!
What kind of sististics do i need for a business plan and where can I find the info?
Where can I find free information on Gas Station Statistics?
Here are two sites that will help. The first site is from the U.S. Census Bureau. It'll tell you how many stations there are by type, ownership and location. It also tells total revenues.
The second site is from Bizstats. It gives you typical normalized (percentage of revenue) income statements for gas stations. You should be able to use these statistics to put together a projected P%26amp;L for your enterprise. This is the centerpiece of your business plan.
Good luck!
Where can I find data and statistics about resource usage of businesses versus individuals?
I'm trying to create a brochure that talks about the importance of corporate/business sustainability. I'm looking for statistics that support my point that industries and businesses use a lot more resources than individuals or that the decisions that businesses make have a big impact on the environment.
Where can I find data and statistics about resource usage of businesses versus individuals?
teh interweb? look for commie sites.
Reply:may be stat.s here;
Reply:in the net.
first go to google
then you'll get a couple of sites
check them
you'll get what you are searching for
false teeth
Where can I find data and statistics about resource usage of businesses versus individuals?
teh interweb? look for commie sites.
Reply:may be stat.s here;
Reply:in the net.
first go to google
then you'll get a couple of sites
check them
you'll get what you are searching for
false teeth
Can anyone provide a list of online non-sectarian homeschooling programs and statistics?
Any information is welcome, however, please state whether or not you have personal experience with this. I can 'google' schools but I am hoping to hear from people who are actually using online homeschooling programs.
Regarding statistics, I am looking for test scores as compared with those of public and private schools.
Can anyone provide a list of online non-sectarian homeschooling programs and statistics?
We use the K12 curriculum that is mostly delivered online. There is a lot of offline work also. It's not an "online HS'ing program" like you said, it's just a curriculum that happens to have an online component. We purchase it ourselves as independent homeschoolers.
Some virtual schools use the K12 curriculum also. They are all public schools and so their students are public school (schooled at home) students. It's not "pure" HS'ing.
The K12 virtual schools, since they are public schools, have state assessments just like other PS's. You can search the 'net for each state's virtual schools and see how they rank with the other schools in a state.
As for my son, who's used K12 for five years, he scores in the 99th (and 99.9 for those that give that precision) percentile on all standardized tests. Last year he took the EXPLORE test from ACT and his composite score was better than 90% of 8th graders, who the test is made for. His science score was 99th percentile when ranked against the 8th graders. He was 8 at the time. So there's a statistic for you. :-)
Reply:Statistics are only worth so much. You can choose the curriculum with the best test scores, only to have your child bomb out because it doesn't suit them for whatever reason.
Reply:The only reliable statics/test scores compared to the public schools that I am aware of, and a Institute that has done extensive research regarding home schooling is http://www.nheri.org/
Reply:I have a friend that homeschools but has to go through a church. Her son is going to community college and is only 15.
From everything I have read homeschooled children place first followed by private school and then public school.
Reply:I have been homeschooling my children for years, had one graduate that now goes to the University of Dayton with scholarships
To look up scores and grades, you need to go to the specific dept of education and look at each individual school, so that really depends on where you live. If it is an online school, those statistics are available as well in the area of the school address.
here is more info that might help you
Regarding statistics, I am looking for test scores as compared with those of public and private schools.
Can anyone provide a list of online non-sectarian homeschooling programs and statistics?
We use the K12 curriculum that is mostly delivered online. There is a lot of offline work also. It's not an "online HS'ing program" like you said, it's just a curriculum that happens to have an online component. We purchase it ourselves as independent homeschoolers.
Some virtual schools use the K12 curriculum also. They are all public schools and so their students are public school (schooled at home) students. It's not "pure" HS'ing.
The K12 virtual schools, since they are public schools, have state assessments just like other PS's. You can search the 'net for each state's virtual schools and see how they rank with the other schools in a state.
As for my son, who's used K12 for five years, he scores in the 99th (and 99.9 for those that give that precision) percentile on all standardized tests. Last year he took the EXPLORE test from ACT and his composite score was better than 90% of 8th graders, who the test is made for. His science score was 99th percentile when ranked against the 8th graders. He was 8 at the time. So there's a statistic for you. :-)
Reply:Statistics are only worth so much. You can choose the curriculum with the best test scores, only to have your child bomb out because it doesn't suit them for whatever reason.
Reply:The only reliable statics/test scores compared to the public schools that I am aware of, and a Institute that has done extensive research regarding home schooling is http://www.nheri.org/
Reply:I have a friend that homeschools but has to go through a church. Her son is going to community college and is only 15.
From everything I have read homeschooled children place first followed by private school and then public school.
Reply:I have been homeschooling my children for years, had one graduate that now goes to the University of Dayton with scholarships
To look up scores and grades, you need to go to the specific dept of education and look at each individual school, so that really depends on where you live. If it is an online school, those statistics are available as well in the area of the school address.
here is more info that might help you
Where can I find these certain statistics Im looking for?
I need the 2008 statistics for the percentage of the U.S population that practices sexual fetishes including illegal and legal. Do you know where I could find these?
Where can I find these certain statistics Im looking for?
I would think the U.S. Censeus Bureau. But I don't think they have those types of quesions on their survey! :D
You would probably have to pay for those stats from another source.
You can try starting here though:
Oh and try looking at some university studies!
Reply:It's called google! DA!!!!!
Google can help you with any thing!
Reply:Search google.
Where can I find these certain statistics Im looking for?
I would think the U.S. Censeus Bureau. But I don't think they have those types of quesions on their survey! :D
You would probably have to pay for those stats from another source.
You can try starting here though:
Oh and try looking at some university studies!
Reply:It's called google! DA!!!!!
Google can help you with any thing!
Reply:Search google.
Statistics of how many people carry a cell phone in the United States?
can anyone tell me the statistics of how many people carry a cell phone in the United States and the source of where you are getting the information?
Statistics of how many people carry a cell phone in the United States?
In the United States, 66% of the population owns a cell phone: U.S. population stands at 297 million, with 197 million cell phone users. Collectively, people spent 675 billion minutes talking on cell phones in June 2005. The ring tones industry, which allows people to hear popular songs when their cell phones ring, is now a $5 billion a year market, an instructive instance of an ancillary industry arising from the ubiquity of the cell phone.
Reply:233 M
Statistics of how many people carry a cell phone in the United States?
In the United States, 66% of the population owns a cell phone: U.S. population stands at 297 million, with 197 million cell phone users. Collectively, people spent 675 billion minutes talking on cell phones in June 2005. The ring tones industry, which allows people to hear popular songs when their cell phones ring, is now a $5 billion a year market, an instructive instance of an ancillary industry arising from the ubiquity of the cell phone.
Reply:233 M
I want to get aviation statistics of Bangladesh?
I want to get airlines and aviation statistics with the passenger moment information from and to Bangladesh pls tell me websites where I can find?
I want to get aviation statistics of Bangladesh?
You might have to collect data from various resources... try these:
Biman Bangladesh
Bangladesh Tourism Organization
hope that helps you.
broken teeth
I want to get aviation statistics of Bangladesh?
You might have to collect data from various resources... try these:
Biman Bangladesh
Bangladesh Tourism Organization
hope that helps you.
broken teeth
How do I get Vital Statistics on my deceased mother for legal purposes in Indiana?
My mom passed away and in an attempt to file a claim for benefits I need birth and marriage certificates. I have her death certificate and I was told that her Vital Statistics would cover the rest. I was told to go to the courthouse but they sent me to a health dept. The health dept sent me to the clerk or court. And so and and so forth. Can anyone tell me who I need to contact or where I need to go to obtain these records. Another concern is the fact that she was not born or married in Indiana. I don't know if that will be a problem. I am hoping I don't have to go out of state for these records.
How do I get Vital Statistics on my deceased mother for legal purposes in Indiana?
You will need to apply for the documents at the State Dept of Vital Statistics in whatever state the birth or marriage occurred. You can send for them by mail if they are out of your state of residence. As always, there is a charge. Good luck.
How do I get Vital Statistics on my deceased mother for legal purposes in Indiana?
You will need to apply for the documents at the State Dept of Vital Statistics in whatever state the birth or marriage occurred. You can send for them by mail if they are out of your state of residence. As always, there is a charge. Good luck.
What are the roles of statistics in these fields?
Please help me.
The fields are:
Please tell me the role of statistics on one of these fields, better if more! Or all! No just joking, but please help.
What are the roles of statistics in these fields?
In general, what statistics does is it tells us what is going on by giving us measurements. These measurements can then be used to evaluate things.
Medicine: We use statistics to determine how effective treatments are and whether or not they are safe. Say we have a new cancer drug and want to know if it is both safe and effective. We may test it out by undergoing an experimental procedure. We give one set of randomly chosen patients a "placebo" (a fake drug) and another the real one. After a certain amount of time, we try to see if there is a difference between the two groups. Before any drug gets to the human testing stage, it must first be evaluated on non-human subjects, such as in laboratories and on lab animals.
Education: We may want to know how many students are passing and failing, or how effective a teaching system is. Say you want to improve test scores and you have a new teaching system. You administer this to a group of random students- much like with a new drug- and try to determine if there are any differences between the treatment ("testing") group and the control (non-testing) group. If you cannot conduct an experiment, you simply try to observe a lot of students and try to see if the ones who are doing better also happen to be using the new teaching system.
The basic procedures of testing are the same throughout each of the fields. You can either conduct actual experiments, where you determine who is in your testing and control groups, or you can simply observe a large number of subjects and try to notice patterns or differences. Here are some other examples.
Military: test the effectiveness of a new weapons system.
Psychology: Statistics grew out of te desire by psychologists to measure things like intelligence and human behavior. Today, many psychologists are branching into biology, where they are testing hormone activity in the brain.
Sociology: We may want to determine the connection between handgun laws and violence.
At all these levels we try to understand the world by breaking it down into smaller components. We then try to find the patterns (statisticians call these "correlations"). For example, we might determine that a new brand of fertilizer is correlated with larger crops (agriculture).
Business-people are concerned with statistics that reveal how wella product or service is selling. Imagine that you are a huge corporation that sells pop soda, and you have a new TV advertisement that markets the soda. Is the advertisement effective? You may want to gather statistics about how consumers view the advertisement (either through directly asking them- such as through a poll or a panel where people sit down and answer questions face-to-face) or by observing the change in sales. If your sales grow drammatically right after you introduce the new ad, there is good reason to believe that part of that has to do with the ad itself.
Keep in mind that researchers always try to not immediately assume that correlation means causation. That is, just because two things tend to go together does not mean that either one causes the other. The only ways we can make sure that one thing does cause the other (for example, a good drug may "cause" a person to become healthier) is to rule out other possibilities. When we gather a lot of data ("statistics") about something, it helps us eliminate alternative possibilities. For example, when we administer a new drug to a treatment group, we want to make sure that they are not already taking a medication that may interfere with the outcome. Without doing this, we might think that the effectiveness of our drug comes entirely from it. In a sense, the "control" helps us remove some of that uncertainty, because it keeps everything but the treatment the same.
Reply:Thank you. Stroopguy had a great answer as well. Report Abuse
Reply:There are actually two parts to your question. The first part concerns what is the purpose of statisics. The second part is about the types of questions that are asked and set out to be answered in the fields you mention. When you put these parts together, what you are really asking is how statistics is used to answer the types of questions people working in the fields tend to ask.
Generally speaking, statistics (essentially, a set of mathematical tools) are used to assess whether phenomena observed in the various fields are happening by chance. If the statistics indicates that things are happening by chance, then the investigators conclude that nothing interesting is happening. If the statistics indicates that things are not happening by chance, then the conclusion is that something important is happening. Based on this basic idea, you can think up just about any question that you can think about that would seem relevant for the fields that you mention, do a scientific study, and then use statistics to determine whether your study says something is "statistically significant" (i.e., not happening by chance/important) or "not statistically significant (i.e., happening by chance/not important).
So as examples:
Medicine: Does giving drug X to patients make them feel better to a statistically significant degree than giving no drug (e.g., a placebo) at all?
Education: Do students do better at school X, with teacher X, or with textbook X, etc. than school Y, teacher Y, or textbook Y, etc?
Military: Are there less fatalities when soldiers are trained with combat technique X than no combat technique at all?
Weather: If various industries cut down on their gas emissions, will that significantly reduce the depletion of the ozone layer?
Basically, if you know what types of important questions that professionals are likely to ask in each area, these questions can be answered (scientifically) by asking a question, turning it into a research study, with the ultimate result being that the research study will tell you whether the answer (results) from your study are statistically significant or not. If it is statistically significant, then it supports the question being asked. If it is not statistically significant, there is no (scientific) support for the answer.
Reply:Can tell you about medicine.
Statistics is the core of EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE. It is statistics that equates / links / refutes / proves diseases and its proposed causes. The same goes for diseases and medications. With statistics, medicine is no more based on hearsay, 'because my professor used to do that', hunch or personal experience.
The fields are:
Please tell me the role of statistics on one of these fields, better if more! Or all! No just joking, but please help.
What are the roles of statistics in these fields?
In general, what statistics does is it tells us what is going on by giving us measurements. These measurements can then be used to evaluate things.
Medicine: We use statistics to determine how effective treatments are and whether or not they are safe. Say we have a new cancer drug and want to know if it is both safe and effective. We may test it out by undergoing an experimental procedure. We give one set of randomly chosen patients a "placebo" (a fake drug) and another the real one. After a certain amount of time, we try to see if there is a difference between the two groups. Before any drug gets to the human testing stage, it must first be evaluated on non-human subjects, such as in laboratories and on lab animals.
Education: We may want to know how many students are passing and failing, or how effective a teaching system is. Say you want to improve test scores and you have a new teaching system. You administer this to a group of random students- much like with a new drug- and try to determine if there are any differences between the treatment ("testing") group and the control (non-testing) group. If you cannot conduct an experiment, you simply try to observe a lot of students and try to see if the ones who are doing better also happen to be using the new teaching system.
The basic procedures of testing are the same throughout each of the fields. You can either conduct actual experiments, where you determine who is in your testing and control groups, or you can simply observe a large number of subjects and try to notice patterns or differences. Here are some other examples.
Military: test the effectiveness of a new weapons system.
Psychology: Statistics grew out of te desire by psychologists to measure things like intelligence and human behavior. Today, many psychologists are branching into biology, where they are testing hormone activity in the brain.
Sociology: We may want to determine the connection between handgun laws and violence.
At all these levels we try to understand the world by breaking it down into smaller components. We then try to find the patterns (statisticians call these "correlations"). For example, we might determine that a new brand of fertilizer is correlated with larger crops (agriculture).
Business-people are concerned with statistics that reveal how wella product or service is selling. Imagine that you are a huge corporation that sells pop soda, and you have a new TV advertisement that markets the soda. Is the advertisement effective? You may want to gather statistics about how consumers view the advertisement (either through directly asking them- such as through a poll or a panel where people sit down and answer questions face-to-face) or by observing the change in sales. If your sales grow drammatically right after you introduce the new ad, there is good reason to believe that part of that has to do with the ad itself.
Keep in mind that researchers always try to not immediately assume that correlation means causation. That is, just because two things tend to go together does not mean that either one causes the other. The only ways we can make sure that one thing does cause the other (for example, a good drug may "cause" a person to become healthier) is to rule out other possibilities. When we gather a lot of data ("statistics") about something, it helps us eliminate alternative possibilities. For example, when we administer a new drug to a treatment group, we want to make sure that they are not already taking a medication that may interfere with the outcome. Without doing this, we might think that the effectiveness of our drug comes entirely from it. In a sense, the "control" helps us remove some of that uncertainty, because it keeps everything but the treatment the same.
Reply:Thank you. Stroopguy had a great answer as well. Report Abuse
Reply:There are actually two parts to your question. The first part concerns what is the purpose of statisics. The second part is about the types of questions that are asked and set out to be answered in the fields you mention. When you put these parts together, what you are really asking is how statistics is used to answer the types of questions people working in the fields tend to ask.
Generally speaking, statistics (essentially, a set of mathematical tools) are used to assess whether phenomena observed in the various fields are happening by chance. If the statistics indicates that things are happening by chance, then the investigators conclude that nothing interesting is happening. If the statistics indicates that things are not happening by chance, then the conclusion is that something important is happening. Based on this basic idea, you can think up just about any question that you can think about that would seem relevant for the fields that you mention, do a scientific study, and then use statistics to determine whether your study says something is "statistically significant" (i.e., not happening by chance/important) or "not statistically significant (i.e., happening by chance/not important).
So as examples:
Medicine: Does giving drug X to patients make them feel better to a statistically significant degree than giving no drug (e.g., a placebo) at all?
Education: Do students do better at school X, with teacher X, or with textbook X, etc. than school Y, teacher Y, or textbook Y, etc?
Military: Are there less fatalities when soldiers are trained with combat technique X than no combat technique at all?
Weather: If various industries cut down on their gas emissions, will that significantly reduce the depletion of the ozone layer?
Basically, if you know what types of important questions that professionals are likely to ask in each area, these questions can be answered (scientifically) by asking a question, turning it into a research study, with the ultimate result being that the research study will tell you whether the answer (results) from your study are statistically significant or not. If it is statistically significant, then it supports the question being asked. If it is not statistically significant, there is no (scientific) support for the answer.
Reply:Can tell you about medicine.
Statistics is the core of EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE. It is statistics that equates / links / refutes / proves diseases and its proposed causes. The same goes for diseases and medications. With statistics, medicine is no more based on hearsay, 'because my professor used to do that', hunch or personal experience.
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